There are 4 imported_”username”‘s and 4 person missing
From that the 4 persons missing are the first ones that was created.
I have now tried backing up the phpbb database, and then delete the users converting to “imported_username” and “username” but it just finds another user and converts them redundant.
This might indicate the problem could lie within the first 4 user profiles, is there anything that could mess up the importer like that?
I have now deleted one of the 4 users which did not get converted, this caused the “imported_username” users to only appear 3 times.
As the 3 others are some of the highest profiled members of the site, i can’t delete them, is there a way to convert them manually?
I found out the problem lies within the “founder” option in phpbb which you can set for specific users, after setting this to “No” the importer seems to be doing it’s thing.
Are you using 2.5.8/2.5.9 or you already tried 2.6-alpha ? That last one has really improved in imports !
I am using 2.6, but i fixed the issue by removing the “founder” setting in phpbb.
I’m pretty sure the “founder” setting won’t have anything to do with it 🙂
What I think has happened is when you first import your forums the users will be imported as user1
, user2
, user3
, user4
etc, if you subsequently perform another import and you did not reset the forums, or delete delete the imported users then those same 4 previously imported users will remain and the import rather than overwriting these users will import those 4 users as imported_user1
, imported_user2
, imported_user3
, imported_user4
I suspect this is what has happened and hence the mismatched post to author relationships.
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for your answer, each time importing the users i have done this from a completely fresh wordpress installation with wordpress 4.5.2 and BBPress 2.6″Alpha” on different databases using both MySQL and MariaDB, so i fail to see how this has to do with redundant imports.
However, when i disabled the founder option for the missing users everything went smooth through, this was on a database where i’ve “reset” the forum using the reset option next to import.
I’ve just tested my phpBB 3.1.19 phpBB test install and everything worked perfectly without changing the founder state of an admin account:

I also just created a new user on the phpBB board: foundation_user
, activated the user and then made the user a founder, posted a reply to a topic and ran the importer and all worked as expected: