looks like this is what you need
Hi Robin,
As far as I understand that add-on it is useful when I want to create bbPress pages from scratch.
This is not what I want.
I am totally happy with the default design of bbPress that my theme delivers.
The only thing I am missing is a right sidebar on all forum pages.
I know that may sound quite complicated when you are not familiar with the way the Elementor Theme Builder works. It basically replaces all the header, footer, page and post templates of a theme. Every template has Display Conditions where it should appear (what it should replace). At least that’s how it’s supposed to work.
I just can’t get the Elementor Theme Builder to apply the page template with the right sidebar to all of the forum pages but only to the forum page that lists all of the topics.
My suspicion is that Topics are another post type than Forums and that is why the template only applies to “forums” posts but not to “topics” posts. “Forums” is the only display condition I can choose in the Elementor Theme Builder so maybe the other types are just missing.
Hope that makes sense.
ok, given that Elementor Theme Builder is a paid theme and bbpress one of the largest forum plugins, have you tried asking on elementor support?
@maxlevel Element Pack is useless either. It is not clear how it works and its functionality is just to create and insert shortcode which you can do it by shortcodes provided by bbpress directly.
I search a whole week and didn’t find any solution. Did you find any possible workaround to solve this issue?
@majidmad Yes, I did (kind of):
As display condition of a template use “Child Of …” and choose the forum you want to have that template applied to. What works for me now is a setting two display conditions. One is a display condition “Forums” set to “All” and another one is display condition “Any Child Of” set to “Forums”. You can also use the two conditions set to specific forums to let them have their own Templates.
Hope that makes sense.
@robin-w Sorry, just have seen your response now. Yes, I have asked Elementor support but that was a rather cumbersome experience. It is in the queue now for possible bug fixes/future upgrades and I think we all know what that means …
Thank you @maxlevel
Your solution worked. However, I’m not sure how to set a template for a single topic page. Did you find any solution of that, too?
@majidmad I did not have the urge to style single topics so I did not search for a solution so far but a quick look at it shows that there seems to be no easy way to address topics (also called discussions) in the display conditions of Elementor. Since you can assign tags to a topic you might try to address a single topic via tags but I have not tried that.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I think I asked my question wrongly. I didn’t mean for a “Single Topic”, I meant for “Topic Pages”
Here is what I did:
There is a forum index:
Then there is Topic index which users are directed by clicking on Forums name:
Forum 1
In the above page, there are three topics, my problem is that when I click on each topic, the theme is not followed by elementor, please look here:
Topic 3
My exact question is that how did you style the Topic pages?
Thanks again
Topic pages seem to be (strangely) child-pages of the forum page. That is why I used the “Child Of” selector and either chose “All” or a specific forum as parent. In my case then all the topic and reply pages looked like the main forum page. In your example this doesn’t seem to be the chosen settings.
Important! The template must be a single POST template (not single PAGE) in Elementor PRO for forum pages.
Include – Forums – all
Include – Any Child Of – Forums
If you made this two settings your topic pages should look the same as the forum page.
I however don’t know how to style topic or reply pages differently than the main forum page if this is what you need. You may try tags is the only option that comes to mind.
Thank you for your reply @maxlevel
I did exactly the same. I’m not sure why it is not working. It may is related to my theme. I’m using Astra theme. I guess you used Hello them, which is for Elementor.
I hope there is a possible solution since I eager to use bbpress rather than other forum plugins.
Hmm, you are sure you use a single POST template and not a PAGE template?
You might also try setting it for one forum specifically to see if that works.
Sometimes the “ALL” function did not work I dimly remember.
Include – Forums – Forum 1
Include – Any Child Of – Forum 1
Another thing I noticed is that I have set a parent forum with 3 forums as children.
Maybe that plays a role too.
I use the REIGN theme which is much more convoluted then the Astra theme.
Astra is very clean so it should work better than what I use.
Why don’t you just switch themes and try it out so you know rather than guessing?
@maxlevel thank you for your reply, and sorry for late reply. I guess it’s due to different time zones.
Please look at the following photo.
noticed I have created an Archive template for first forum page (Forums List).
For each Forum, I’ve also created a Single Post to include Topics List and for each Topic, a Single Post to show topic and reply box area.
Not sure where is the problem !

Include – Any Child Of – Forum 1
When I select “Any Child Of “I don’t have Forum 1 in the available list to select. I don’t even have many pages or templates in the list. I think Elementor can’t detect all the available links in my website. Is it correct?
I get this error in Elementor debugger:
Template File: No Templates for condition > /themes/astra/page.php
Yes, that is quite strange. You should be able to see the list of forums. One thing I have different than you what I noticed is that I also set the template for all child pages of the archive page. Maybe this pages are all archive pages?
And yes, the debugger shows you what template is active for a certain page. In your case none. I don’t know if it’s applicable on your site but you could also try to set a template for all pages and see if it is active on a specific page. I used it to find out what kind of template is active on what type of page/post. Because this is all a mess in Elementor theme builder. I never found any logic behind what it considers a post, archive or page.
I had a look at my site and just found out that the debugger also doesn’t seem to work correctly. It shows no template while the “Edit with Elementor” button shows “Single Post Forum” template. Means you can’t rely on it either. I don’t know why the theme builder in Elementor is such a crappy implementation that doesn’t even improve over time. I only got it working on my site by weird trial & error until it finally showed what I wanted but it was everything but straight forward.
Well, finally I found a solution, NOT perfect, but it’s working (as it seems!)
I created a Single Post, in Display Condition as follows:
Include > Singular > All
Exclude > Pages
Exclude > Archives
Exclude > 404 page
You must exclude everything except Singular pages.
This is probably as good as it gets until Elementor decides to improve the theme builder. Glad that it works now somehow.