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Private/Hidden Forum – Topics and sub-forum disappear

  • @suchar



    I’ve just installed bbPress plugin. Everything seems to work fine except private and hidden forums. When I set up private or hidden forum and publish it (and add sub-forums) everything is OK. However when I write a new topic or a new post and submit them in hidden/priavte forum I can’t see no more subforums etc. The same happens when I go to the main page of my forum – I can see only the name of hidden/private forum. There’s no difference if I use my admin account or forum participant account.

    Subforums and topics in hidden/private forums apeear again when I go to the Forum options and update forums (but this doesn’t always work… :/ ).

    I would be glad if anyone helps me.

    My wordpress ver is 3.4.1 I use theme SIGHT and newest bbpress

    It’s probably the same problem as here:

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  • @hammer9600


    I’ve got the same problem, anyone got an idea on how to solve this?



    I was having a LOT of issue any time I edited a private or hidden forum, don’t know if it’s related, but found if I cleared cache (W3C) right before saving, that seemed to help it save properly…



    Have same problem with private forum under a category, please help



    yup; I’ve got this exact same problem. Sub-Forums of a category are disappearing from the forum list random (either when posts are deleted or changes are made to the forum itself).

    This only happens with Hidden and Private forums.



    I have a littel tip, trying to resolve or have an idea about whats hapend i found a littel thing, so, if under your public top level category you have at least one public sub-forum so theres no problems all work fine so the idea is to add a fake sub-forum with a strange name 🙂 and try to hide it using jquery, i dont know if it’s work at 100% but it’s an idea that can help (oh bbpress coder!!!! we hope a littel help from you 😉 )



    yup your right. as long as there is at least 1 public sub-forum the rest display without issue; regardless of whether they are private, hidden etc…

    .. clearly a code bug in bbpress; will be nice if devs can jump in on this one.



    Suprised this isn’t get as much attention, everyone just running public forums?



    Yup, i think so may be we should find another solution! in my case i add a public blocked forum “Announcement” inside eatch category it’s not a choise but i should do it. But is’nt so important this issue?!!!

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by libertux.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by libertux.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by libertux.



    Do devs read this forum or are we posting in the wrong place?



    Just got hit with this issue myself. Thought I’d throw my 2c on the pile.

    If a category or forum has children, and no child is public, I run into some strange bugs where the category disowns all its children.

    I’m trying to have a hidden category with private subforums for administrative purposes, ideally I could have:

    Category = hidden
    Subforum = private
    Topics in Subform = public

    Unfortunately both of these setups hit the bug documented above. The two setups I’ve found which works are either:

    Category = hidden
    Subforum + Topics = public

    This has the undesirable side effect of subscribers being able to find the topic even though it’s nested in a hidden category.


    Category = hidden
    Subforum = private
    Topics = private

    This seems to work OK, but it requires that every new topic in the private subforums be switched to be flagged as private in the wp-admin area.

    I’m gonna keep working on this, see if I can figure out a solution.



    I have the same problem. What I been doing is going back and make another private forum under that category and it re-appears. Then I delete it. But it will disappear again. So this time Im gonna leave the new forum i created and see if it happens again.



    Hey folks, I had the same problem as you all. With no solution forthcoming, I dug down into the code and used a bunch of debug_zval_dump() statements to see the actual SQL.

    The problem is that the code is producing this query to find out whether or not you have subforums:

    SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_parent = 31 AND post_status IN ( 'publish' ) AND post_type = 'forum' ORDER BY ID DESC

    But the status for your private subforums is ‘private’. You want to see this:

    SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_parent = 31 AND post_status IN ( 'publish','private' ) AND post_type = 'forum' ORDER BY ID DESC

    I found this on line 1287 of bb-common-functions.php:

        $post_status = array( bbp_get_public_status_id() );

    That line of code is what puts the ( ‘publish’) list in the SQL. I changed it to:

        $post_status = array( bbp_get_public_status_id(), bbp_get_private_status_id() );

    Now my subforums are showing up correctly. To see if this fix would have any adverse affects, I created a public forum, added a private subforum and logged out. The private subforum was not visible. Seems like this fix worked for me.

    If you don’t have access to the actual source code, I’m afraid you won’t be able to do what I did, but I wanted to share that for those who do. Perhaps somebody can make some sort of plugin to help everyone else. I’m actually not a PHP guy and hardly know what I’m doing at all and I’m new to bbpress as well. If anybody comes up with anything better, I’d love to see it!



    @chromancer, thanks for digging into this. I worked out an alternative solution for hiding a private forum category, but it looks like you’ve nailed the issue. Might be worth working up a ticket for the trac on this one.

    I can think of a number of scenarios in which having a private forum category would be ideal, this functionality would make a lot of sense to be supported in core IMHO.



    My example ans



    I tried chromancer’s solution, didn’t work – instead, ALL of my topics vanished after I used the repair tool.

    Is there really no solution to this? I can’t trash and recreate all forums everytime a member posted in a topic… 🙁



    I’m looking for the solution to this also…



    I’m having this issue 11 years later!!! Is there really no fix yet?



    This was a topic for a much older version

    please explain in detail your issue



    Robin, thank you so very much for responding!

    Our Sub-Forums stopped displaying a few months ago.  Although I prefer your “Style Pack” layout, users can still click through to access the sub-forums.  The difficulty is at the: WP Users > Subscriptions …the only Forum to display its children is the one, “SKIING” that hasn’t been used since last winter.  (They will start using it soon to plan trips.)

    This issue was noticed after a new topic was added. Around that time I had transitioned from “bbP Toolkit”, so I don’t know if there’s an uninstalled conflict or what.  Sometimes I could get this issue to reset by changing the Sub-Forums “Visibility” setting to “Public” and then back to “Private”.  I cleared browser histories and re-saved Permalinks.  But this is only a temporary solution.

    I had a very similar problem about 2 years ago and solved it by changing: bbPress Forum > Visibility from “Public” to “Private”.   But there were complaints from members about the public visibility of their posts.  So at some point I changed it back to “Private” and unexpectedly it worked fine.  But a few months ago the invisibility of Sub-Forums started back up.

    I created a fresh staging version:  Switched to WP 2022 theme and deactivated all plugins, except bbPress.  The issue still exists.  I will be extremely grateful for any of your expert help.  I’m very willing to privately share Admin and FTP access if helpful.



    If you prefer that instead of using this old thread, I edit or update the support request that I posted a month ago …just let me know.



    I’m away for e few days, but if I haven’t responded to this thread by this time next week then please add a further reply to remind me



    Thank you Robin!!! Very kind of you to let me know. This is not urgent.



    Robin, we are still experiencing this issue in our Production site.

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