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Presentaton menu

  • @peter-b


    I have created my-templates in the bbpress directory and copied the kukumei directory from bb-templates under a new name so I can tinker with it. However the admin menu/dashboard does not have a presentation menu anywhere in it! What am I missing? Using latest version of bbpress,

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  • @fel64


    That’s pretty weird. Have you tried going to bb-admin/themes.php? That’s its default location.



    going to http://www.mydomain/pcbb/bb-admin/themes.php just puts me straight back to the home page (my bbpress installation is actually in a directory called pcbb)

    Just to make sure I have done everything correctly

    I have created my-templates in pcbb

    This is not integrated with any wordpress tables – they are all standalone – the bbpress database has the 8 bb_ tables in it and nothing else.

    Copied the theme in its own directory to my-templates

    I never have seen a presentation menu even on the new install which was 0.8.1. The new install didn’t have bb_ as table prefixes, although I have since corrected that (after upgrading to 0.8.2



    Check that you’re still keymaster. I once had the problem that I was randomly demoted during an upgrade.



    Not sure I follow. I log in as admin

    go to admin pages and select users.

    Select myself and edit profile.

    Under user type I have a drop down menu with the options of






    No mention of keymaster although this did appear on intial posts when I first installed bbpress. I can get that to reappear on posts by setting the custom title. Is keymaster a special category that can only be selected at install?



    Can you go to the database, find wp_usermeta / bb_usermeta and look for any entries regarding yourself? If you’re also running WP, there should be one for that too that sets you to Administrator and one that sets you to keymaster, if you’re not running WP there should only be one and that should set you to be keymaster.



    OK – will look later when I am at home, but from memory I don’t recall a bb_usermeta table. Again, from recollection , the term Keymaster doesn’t feature in any of the WordPress installations I have (I am running about 4 on my server), but I’ll check in a couple of hours or so. My wp databases are separate from the bb databases (ie I run multiple databases under MySSQL – and none of my WP databases use the WP_ prefix, which is why I didn’t bother when I installed bbPres!)

    Thank you for your help so far!



    Keymaster is what you should be in bbPress. I believe that Keymasters can promote others to Keymaster, e.g. I have the option to set my own user role to Keymaster. Since you don’t I think you’re just an Admin. You need to be Keymaster to change the theme.



    Ok! Sorted! (memory did play me false – of course there was a usermeta table!) Not quite as straightforward as I altered the admin key but then found that I didn’t have access to the admin pages at all. Then created a second install and copied the admin capabilities entry across. Still couldn’t get to admin pages, but then discovered a new row in the usermata table with an ID of 1 and capabilities of a member. Deleting both of those table rows restored everything back to normal Thanks to phpMyadmin, and most of all to fel64, both for this query and others I have posted! (Hey – its when things break that you findout how they work!)

    There is abit of a ‘gotcha’ there though because if you do demote yourself to admin, there is no way to re-promote yourself back to keymaster. I suppose the only way round that would be to disable admin from changing his own privileges.

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