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Posts updated straight away?

  • @juventino199


    Hi there,

    I am just wondering if posts that are made on the topics page are automatically shown to other users in real-time without having to refresh the page to load in the new posts.

    For example, user A posts a comment within a topic. User B who is viewing this topic sees the comment come through on their device automatically rather than them having to refresh the page.

    If this is already the case then that is great! However, if it is not, would you be able to tell me if this is possible and, furthermore, guide me on how to do it?

    Thank you!

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  • @robin-w


    no – a page refresh is required



    Hi, Robin thank you for your reply,

    is there a way to add in a background refresher then? Maybe the form of an external plugin etc? Or some code that will automatically refresh the page without the user knowing?

    If not then don’t worry but if there is a way, (and it’s not free work) I am happy to pay!



    sorry, if it were that easy, bbpress would already do it.

    Nothing I know of does this, and it is beyond my technical skills

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