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Posts/Themes not showing up (only after a day or so)

  • @flololan


    Hi so I’ve got a problem with a forum. It’s not my first one but the first time i’ve got that problem. When I post something/ create a Topic etc. it is not being shown. only after a long time (like a day or so) it will show the changes. i guess it is a problem with the cache but I can’t figure out what. clearing the cache doesn’t help and even if it would… i mean who clears his cache after each post of every user…

    WordPress 4.9.5
    bbPress Version 2.5.14
    WP Super Cache Version 1.5.9

    if you want to take a look at it yourself: (its in german)

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  • @robin-w


    if you google ‘WP Super Cache bbpress’ you’ll find lots of help – including how to disable bbpress for supercache

    WordPress Dashboard
    > Settings
    > WP Super Cache
    > Advanced tab
    > Scroll down to “Accepted Filenames & Rejected URI’s”

    > Add here strings (not a filename) …

    I found the following entries in that text box:



    I added:


    (My bbPress application is installed under my WordPress directory in the /forums sub-directory).

    Now all URL’s that include the string “/forums/” are ignored in terms of caching.

    which sound like what you may need



    And I am always angry when others aske me before google…. thanks that solved it



    no problem – glad you are fixed

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