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Posts / Pages not showing up?

  • @tanmccuin


    I’m beginning to experience an issue where-by when a certain arbitrary number of posts (or pages it seems) is reached, bbpress stops a) going to the latest page/post and brings you to the last full page. When you post a new post, it gets posted, but there is no way view this post unless you manually change the url to /[pagenumber]

    if you go to our forum and follow the following link (which is the link from the mainpage to the most recent post) you’ll see that it takes you to page 8, and to the bottom of that page – but in fact there are more pages than 8 as if you change the url manually to

    you’ll be taken to the actual latest post.

    I’m completely lost. I noticed that if i change the number of posts to display per page, it sort of resets the forum and lets you view the last posts, but once it reaches the next arbitrary page number, once again you top being able to view pages and posts after that.

    If anyone can please help i would be so grateful i’m afraid this is beyond my area of expertise. PS. i do know for a fact that posts and posters are not getting moderated, though it may be related to askimet somehow.

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