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Possible integration bug in BBpress install for WPMU 2.7 and BP RC-1

  • @reprocessor


    For starters my site runs the following WPMU 2.7, Buddypress RC-1 and BBpress 1.0 alpha 6 – if you’ve had problems with any of the following then this is worth a read …

    This is a weird one but totally worth mentioning. I just re-installed bbpress for the fifth time and found a wee error that seems to bugger everything up.

    If you’ve got everything working properly and you’re in the admin screen on bbpress ‘Settings/Wordpress Integration’ DO NOT hit the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the user integration menu.

    The reason being is that it breaks everything and you have to reinstall bbpress. I can’t remember the exact error as I did this late last night but the error occurs in ‘bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php’ on line 123 and 377

    I also noticed that (once you get it back up and running) you can’t post on existing group forums but if you create new groups then everything is hunky-dory :)

    Just as well I hadn’t populated the site LOL

    It’s been a hell of a learning curve this but not a bad one by any means – I’s say I’m very proficient now at reinstalling bbpress and integrating!

    After all this rant I’m not sure if this is a problem specific to me but please let me know if you’ve suffered the same. I’ll put something on the BBpress forums too shortly.



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