Plugins You Want !!!
Suppose ‘Now” I’ve a developers team, & they are really interested and willing to make bbpress premium or free plugins. Now They want to start development work according to your wish. So what kinds of plugins you really need at this time and in future. I Invite you all people to describe your required plugins according to your wish and with features/ specifications list. And listen May be you’ll get what you want
Stay Connect
Uhmm, wow, uhmm…
DEFINATELY in this order:
1. Merge/Split topics functionality
2. Intuitive Quote and Multi-Quote
…huge period…
3. Up-to-date Statistics plugin (similar to _ck_’s MiniStats and MiniTrack but working)
An avatar plugin that works when just installed/activated, without needing to modify php code would be great!
Mergin and splitting topics for sure. That would help alot.
Please create a plugin, where people have to Register to Download Attachments !!!
Wouldnt it be great, if users who double posted, automatically submited their second post into their last?
No edit or nothing. An auto-protection against double post. That detects a users double post, and instead of making an entirely new post, it inserts their message at the bottom of the last one. Of course, if no posts has been made in between by other users.
I need a Gallery Plugin like “Flickr photo gallery”……..
I would love a plugin that allows users who post in threads to receive e-mail notifications of updates!
That ‘subscribe to topic’ functionality is included in the latest trunk version and will be in the next release. It’s active here now.
That is awesome news!!! Thanks for letting me know, I’m really looking forward to that release!
IMO,there is need of professional themes more than plugins.
chrishajer – is it easy to get ‘subscribe to topic’ working with bbPress 1.02? Or is the next release expected to be soon? Thanks!
I am not sure when the next release will be, and I’m not certain how difficult how hard it would be to get ‘subscribe to topic’ working. You could upgrade to the trunk release to get the functionality, but I don’t think I would recommend that in a production setting. Maybe you can install a test setup and see if everything you need works (especially plugins.)
I’ll hold out for the official release then. Thanks for the info!
a plugin to add bbpress posts, replies, etc in buddypress activity
Does anyone know how much time there is between official releases, approximately? I’m just wondering if I’ll be waiting weeks, months, or years.
I’d say more than weeks, less than years. I have no official word, but we have been fixing bugs and can probably release 1.1 with anonymous posting and subscribe to topic somewhere in 2010.
Sounds great. Thanks Chris!
Plugin: I am looking for a way to protect forums by “role” which I define on the wordpress side. BY role, I mean non standard ones…I create custom roles that manage membership levels like Free, Bronze, Silver, Gold.
I want to be able to say:
Forum x: only show to Gold
ForumY: only show to Bronze, Silver, Gold
It would also be nice to be able to set rights like
-view only
vs view and post
hide completely (i.e. do not show forum)
BY forum, I mean parts (buckets of threads) of a global forum
i-badhani is 100% correct.
My needs have been met by plugins, for the most part, but I am in dire straits when it comes to themes.
I am not able to code fluently, so I hack away at existing themes. Finally found one I like but it is not compatible with IE6 (which some people still use)…
Would LOVE to have an easily tweaked bbpress theme similar to THESIS for WP.
Saving that, an easily-tweaked theme, period.
how about a flag for showing unread topics from last visit
and a way to mark all as read
Well I can see there’s no shortage of advice and help wanted by folks at the sharp end. All good stuff.
But it strikes me that one thing that is missing, so far, is the ability to simply import databases from other forums like PHPBB etc. Haven’t done exhaustive research but that’s my impression.
The one plugin that *I* would want is the plugin that installs BBPress in the first place. And by the way, it should install it right into my existing WP theme.
Thank you all,
Its nice to listen that lot of friends need lot of plugins. But I’ve not lot of money to develop these plugins, developers need money to work on. From my budget I’m starting to develop 5 plugins from my developers. Which I’ve decided after lot of thinking.
I need your comments…. so that should I start work on these plugins?
No. 1 :- Social Connect
With this plugin; users can register to your forums via their some social networking accounts like Facebook, OpenID, Twitter, Myspace etc. My developers says its not possible to fetch email id of a user who will register from fb or like other social networking sites, but it will be possible to show the link of a register user in his profile. where we can trace a user that from where he/she came.
No. 2 :- Better Moderation Suite ( Remake)
There are some issues with this old plugin. we will fix it soon and add more fields in it. second we will add two more section in this plugin. these are about moderators
a) simple moderator,
if anyone is running one board ( one bbpress ) then he/she can assign a user as simple moderator for his/her work.
b) Super Moderator,
if any one is running more then one bbpress installation suppose ( one bbpress about hockey discussion ) ( one bbpress about football discussion ) ( one bbpress about dance discussion ) ( one bbpress about other discussion )
then super moderator can handle these 4 fourms ( 4 integrated bbpress ) from one panel.
its means . a simple moderator can handle just ( one bbpress about hockey discussion )
and super moderator can handle other 4 or more forums discussion.
there are more functions will be add in this plugin which i don’t want to disclose right now
. Because I need your thoughts that what should add more functionality in this plugin.
No. 3 :- BBMI ( BBpress Multiple Integration)
Integration of One wordpress with multple bbpress
Read again my second plugin. Then you’ll understand the requirement of this plugin called BBMI.
Its not possible right now to create multiple forums like Worpdress MU, but if someone want more then one forums ( bbpress installation ) for more topics then its not possible to integration these multiple forums with one WordPress and each other.
Because if you’ll successful in integrate more forums ( shared user table, and user meta plus shared database… which not a big deal) then you’ll definitely fail in the integrate of cookies.
“Because now integration is possible just for one bbpress and one wordpress”
Not for multiple bbpress with one wordpress. ( Think about it, isn’t cool? )
Note: some settings and plugin will involve to run this idea. and i also need your ideas.
No. 4 :- Link Protection
About this plugins, if register user paste a link to your forums via (post or topic). Then the guest cannot view this link till after the completion of his/her registration to your forums.
No. 5 :- BBpress Statistics
If you’ll see the _ck_ plugin
its all about bbpress statistics it not tells about tracking report about users online, where they came from, what keywords they use to find your website, what referral sites they use, first visit, last visit, traffic detail, monthly weekly report, duration of user’s stay on ur site blah blah blah, but my plugin will be a comprehensive plugin for your site to track traffic reports.
these are five plugins. now i’m starting work on them. All will go from my own pocket which is a really big amount, but if someone is interested to make a donation to me and wanna support me ( if he like my idea and plugins ) then I’ll post my contact detail in my next post.
After that I want to make more plugins if I’ll get your support and positive feedback.
See you again, same place, same post but soon some other time
Stay Connect………………
any update on this?
any releases yet?
any update on this?
It’s a place to list what plugins you would want.
I don’t think there’s much to update
any releases yet?
Cunningly hidden in the top menu, under “plugins” ;-]
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