Plugins You Want !!!
Suppose ‘Now” I’ve a developers team, & they are really interested and willing to make bbpress premium or free plugins. Now They want to start development work according to your wish. So what kinds of plugins you really need at this time and in future. I Invite you all people to describe your required plugins according to your wish and with features/ specifications list. And listen May be you’ll get what you want
Stay Connect
I want better plugin for report message to admin or moderator. Without any JavaScript, just pop up and form. Report for registered users and guests.
I would like to have a facebook-connect plugin. This would help to convince my facebook fans to post their comments on my website.
hpguru – I’m guessing you’ve tried this already?
This is another option:
Thank you. I try Moderation Suite. Report Post does not match expectations.
I’d like a plugin that allows me to easily post polls!
@chengdu living – Try this!
I use it on a lot of my sites, and it’s excellent!
I need a shoutbox.
An event calendar, which will contain member birthdays and also with the option to create an event and link that to an existing topic or create a new topic, similar to the one found in SMF.
A plugin that won’t show external links in some sections to visitors, such as all topics created in the forum category Downloads, just to give an example.
Need more ideas?
@chandersbs You don’t need a shoutbox plugin! Just use a free service like ShoutMix (my favorite) and they will give you a code that you can embed in your forum wherever you want. Works great
I will check Raize, however I don’t prefer using 3rd party apps on my website, cos for 1) it makes the site look less professional and 2) the data gets stored somewhere else and often u have very less control over it.
but thanks for the tip, i will check it.
Very important for all users who like more visitors for their forum is facebook connect. Many bbpress users already asked for it.
Could you fix the anonymous post plug-in so that it works in >1.0?
Anonymous comments are now in the core of the 1.0 trunk release…
I have many ehehe
from most important to least important:
1) Better BBCode (like PhpBB, VBulletin or any other forum) + Quoting (“user says”)
2) Better MULTILANGUAGE SUPPORT!!! (this would rock – like qtranslate in WP)
3) Advertising manager (a port of the popular Advertising Manager plugin in WP would do)
4) User profile pages (with many customizable profile fields, etc)
5) User photo galleries
6) Better moderation tools
7) Some social networking tool like Facebook connect, OpenID connect, Twitter feeds, etc.
Better Smilies
9) Better User Avatar System (Bavatars does a neat job though)
10) Better Integration with WordPress (sometimes sucks)
11) Customizable Forum icons
12) User can post Polls / Surveys
13) Event calendars…
@Il Gatteo
Regarding smilies…how about this smilies:
You need the bbpress smilies plugin and the smilies you want. Than you can replace the ugly wordpress-bbpress smilies with the smilies you want. Its easily done.
Regarding polls: Take the plugin “bbpress Polls”.
What I need is a much better BB_code toolbar Plugin and a facebook connect plugin….
I’m just starting to consider moving our forum from Invision Power Board over to bbpress.
One thing I know we need is the ability to attach files to posts.
We will also need to be able to use bolding, underlining, etc., etc.
And the crew is really fond of smilies.
Also, we need a board which will be totally private.
So, I guess my real question is if bbpress is what I’m looking for at all.
Listen to me about plugins. I have had enourmus success with BBPress, with over 110 users and counting. This is what BBPress needs:
1. Polls
2. A chatbox on the side of the forum, like a widget. With simple design: Names and messages, nothing else.
3. Custom Avatar, with image resizing done at upload.
4. Administrate posting for users. Post length minimum, post allowed per minute and so on. Auto moderation really.
Marius mate,
we have these things. I’m the first to say it’s not ideal, but we have the things you’ve asked for
1) Polls.
We have polls.
2) Chatbox.
There’s a shoutbox plugin on the bbProgress website. Works with 0.9 and 1.0.2. Been there for over a year.
3) Custom Avatar.
We have that.
4) Administrate posting for users.
We have that, all apart from the minimum word thing, because thats something YOU want and not something needed as standard. But i gave you the 6 lines of code to fix that.
Polls: The plugin made by CK for an outdated version of BBpress, does not work with the current version.
Chatbox: Not a shoutbox, a chatbox thats designed in such a way that its easy for several people to communicate with each other. Not just post a shoutmessage.
Custom avatar: None of the avatar scripts works with 1.02, unless you go in to the the code, change it, change properties on the server etc.
Auto forum moderation: Has no admin panel, no instructions, does not work properly with 1.02.
I have tried all these plugins you mention we have, and believe me, if they was working properly, I would have had them on my forum. But I dont.
If something works, even if you have to do some of the work yourself, then it works.
If it doesn’t work – report the bug and we’ll try and help.
But saying things don’t work because it’s not ideal or as easy as you’d like isn’t helping us to help you
and you’re passionate about bbPress, we want to help you
I have no technical understanding, and still I managed to install BBpress already. Im not agreeing with your argument that BBpress requires PHP-skills.
It has worked great for almost a year now, and it is a forum software that has gotten quite far already. It just need polishing and simplifying.
I dont think a plugin works unless it functions 100% out of the box. You shouldnt have to go into the code at all. Thats not userfriendly. So here is me, an end user wanting something to be ideal, and you admit it to not being ideal.
Im saying that if its not that ideal, then its not working.
Im saying that if its not that ideal, then its not working.
And what i’m saying is, you’re wrong.
Working is working. Ideal is ideal. I can’t think of one, not one, piece of software that is ideal. Infact, i can’t think of one thing in the world that is ideal. Ideal is something we aim for, working is just the minimum we accept. If you have higher standards – awesome!
We all want things to be better, but we have limited resources. The more time we spend on things that do work, but could be better, is more time away from things that don’t work.
P.S. Dont’ say things aren’t working because you don’t like how to make them work. I said that about my wife once, don’t think she’s ever forgiven me
Just chiming in on the request for an Event Calendar…..
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