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Plugins to guide the user for posting and registration on the forums.

  • @drdarakh


    Dear all bbpress experts,

    This is pertaining to the forum site

    I would be greatly obliged of this forum can suggest ways and means to guide our dentist user during the registration and posting process. The intention is to make it as easy as possible for the user to post and reduce the learning curve time.

    I want to make it as easy as possible for the user to post queries, upload clinical images as attachments or as inline images etc.

    Therefore, I want to insert instruction text boxes whenever required. If possible the instruction text boxes should have a CLOSE button so that the boxes can be closed of the does not want to see them.

    Also the instruction boxes should be mobile friendly.

    Now my queries

    1. Is there any plugin which can do this?

    2. Can we insert instruction boxes by drag and drop method?

    3. Once the boxes are inserted will my staff be able to do minor changes in the wording of the text boxes from the dashboard.

    4. If the boxes are created by manual coding than will they be disturbed of any of the plugins already installed are updated.

    I also want to put instruction boxes on the registration page. The intention is to guide the new user for the registration process.

    Are there any other methods for this ( chat bot, call out boxes etc.)

    Hope to see a lot of responses and many thanks in advance for the same. Please open the WORD file attached to this message.


    Dr. Veerendra Darakh.

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  • @robin-w


    I think you are really looking for some wordpress training. bbpress just uses wordpress login, and the pop up or tooltip type help text you are after is well beyond any free help, and would require extensive site specific coding – sorry.

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