For the current ip, you can add this function to your child theme or have it in a plugin:
function get_the_user_ip() {
if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] ) ) {
//check ip from share internet
} elseif ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) {
//to check ip is pass from proxy
} else {
return apply_filters( 'wpb_get_ip', $ip );
add_shortcode('show_ip', 'get_the_user_ip');
Then use a shortcode [show_ip] where needed
For the current time of where the user is (so NOT where the server is), you can only do it with javascript to my knowledge. Start from this:
<script language="javascript">
ourDate = new Date();
document.write("The time and date at your computer's location is: "
+ ourDate.toLocaleString()
+ ".<br/>");
document.write("The time zone offset between local time and GMT is "
+ ourDate.getTimezoneOffset()
+ " minutes.<br/>");
document.write("The time and date (GMT) is: "
+ ourDate.toGMTString()
+ ".<br/>");