Don’t know what you did, but it works great for me!
Hi, this is very nice plugin.
Will it show also the number of online visitors (not members) in the future versions?
In future versions it will show visitors, too! But at the moment I can’t say when this will be implemented…
I’ve installed the update, but when looking at the profiles of other members it shows their last online date as 7 years ago. I’m guessing this will change once they come on the forum again?
Yeah .. the update resets all online-times to zero. Sorry for this! If they login the next time everything will be fine…
Thanks. I figured that was the case. Great Job.
I get these errors:
bbPress database error: [Table ‘mpmorg2_bbpress.bb_online’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM bb_online WHERE user_id = 1 LIMIT 1
bbPress database error: [Table ‘mpmorg2_bbpress.bb_online’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO bb_online (user_id, activity) VALUES (‘1’, ‘2007-03-24 06:06:37’)
read me says:
“You’ll maybe get an error if you browse your forum the first time after you’ve installed the plugin. This is normal.
If you keep getting errors, try setting $mysql41
to false
maybe it works then, otherwise don’t hestitate to contact me.”
How do I set this to false?
forum is here:
EDIT: It’s okay, it just took some time for the errors to disappear.