Plugin: Post Notification
It does what the name says. If you have a topic in your favorites and there will be a new post to this topic it sends you an email. Simply upload and it does its job.
I think there is no demo needed.
Download here.
This Plugin doesn’t care if you’re admin or not. So you should only receive emails on your favorite topics.
Maybe you’ve downloaded the wrong version? There is one, which sends an email on every post!
You had an great Idea! I just put this into it. Now it displays the last posters name in the mail.
Download latest Version here:
I may have downloaded the wrong version. This is from the file notification_all.php
* Plugin URI:
* Version: 1.1
Oops! “notification all” – haha
I will download the new version now, with the enhancement on the last poster’s name. Thanks a bunch. Merry Christmas.
Hi again. It appears the notification includes the name of the member who started the topic, not the last poster? All the notifications I’ve received have listed the member who started the topic.
I guess “By:” in the notification could mean the thread was started “by” or the reply was “by” – that part is ambiguous. Was this supposed to send the name of the last person who posted?
Seems like this will send the name of the member who started the topic:
Is there a way to see who the last comment was posted by to see if it’s worth logging on to see the comment?
Oh .. you’re right! … Didn’t think of this, sorry!
Got a new Version. Now it displays the posters Name, not the starters.
Download here:
Downloaded v1.3 and it appears to be working exactly as expected. I like the new function.
Not sure how I overlooked this one, but I was just wishing for something like this last night!
(found via spencerp’s forums, hehehehe)
Haha, Glad to hear you found it though!
I posted some other plugins I’m using in this blog post here:
Shoot, I’m actually missing some there.. I’ll have to re-edit that post again soon.. Again, glad to see you found it, and thanks for checking through my forums..
*cough* You could join there ya know..? Lmao Ya don’t have too though..
hrm … I haven’t tried this on my own bbPress install yet, but spencerp’s uses it and I enabled it in my profile on his forums and it emailed me about my initial post and my own reply. Is this behavior intentional?
Nicki, I’m using another version of this plugin.. I had asked Thomas earlier in the thread, for one that sends one out no matter what, or who’s thread gets replied too.
So, by default.. his original plugin won’t do that.
Ok, that explains it. LOL
Mine didn’t do that and I had wondered if mine didn’t do that for me because I’m the KeyMaster, or what….
Thanks for clearing that up.
Hahaha.. you’re welcome.
Come to think of it, I might even go back to just using the original plugin lmao.. I dunno though.. I kinda liked the idea of that though.. to help remind people that my forum’s are there LOL!
Being that my forums are so small, it’s kind of a nice thing, however.. if and when it gets a little bigger, it might not be a good thing.. I’ll think about it though… I just got tons of other things to do sigh..
/Thanks for registering on my forums by the way..
You’re most welcome.
Can this plugin be modified to notify of new TOPICS in a forum, rather than new POSTS in a TOPIC. In other words, add the ability to have favorite forums rather than favorite topics? Or is there already a way to do this?
I think the following will do what you are hoping. It is referenced 2 or 3 times in this thread.
If I’m not mistaken Trent, I think that plugin notifies the ADMINISTRATOR of ANY post to ANY topic. Since it does not add any visible subscription option to any forums, I can only assume that’s what it does. The only other possibility is that it emails EVERYONE when ANYONE posts ANYTHING ANYWHERE on bbpress, which would be a disaster. Can anyone verify what exactly notify_all does? I installed it, but could not see a difference.
You might be correct that if checked ‘in your profile’ it would notify everyone of all posts replied and created if they also have it checked. It would notify you of any post or reply in the forum. At least, that is what the code suggests on first glance. Spencerp or Thomas should be able to clarify this.
Hehe … it sends an email on EVERY new post if it’s checked in the users profile. Not just admins.
I know what you mean with your plugin-request, this is something mine can’t do at the moment. But I think this is a great feature to be added and it could be done by plugin. “Add Forum to favorites”
I tested it out and it sent me an email when I posted a new topic. That works for now. But, like we said, an “add forum to favorites” plugin is needed. For anyone reading this, what we are talking about is strictly for the plugin called notification_all.php which can be foun here:
Hi !
What’s up with the email notifier ?
I had a look on the thomas website but the plugin is not there anymore …
Anybody knows some others plugin like this ?
I’m looking for a plugin who notify in one e-mail by day/week (could be the choice of the user), what are the news topics on their favourite forum (not all forum). The plugin should also notify by e-mail all the replies in their favourites topics … it could be in one email by day/week or one email for each notification (the must would be that user can choose between one e-mail for each notification or an email by day for every notifications of the day or one e-mail by week for every notifications of the week …).
Unfortunately I don’t have the programmation-skill of my ambitions … anybody knows how it could be made ?
Hmmm if I got it right, you mean the flickr Notification Style? Maybe it would be better to provide this as an extra plugin, because it would be a tooo big feature for mine (even in the upcoming, feature-loaded version
The best posibility I can think of at the moment, is doing this with a cronjob, but not everyone has cronjobs on his webspace account. So the more simple version would be a visit-based cronjob…
Anybody in for this? Or should I get my hands dirty?
The default for this (when an account is created) is unchecked.
How do I go about changing that so that the default for Favorite Notification is “checked” when the account is created?
it would be better if won’t email when current user post something
i mean it is not necessary to notify to user that post something by him/her self!
is the text of the post itself included in the notification?
Hey Thomas! Any chance of the new version coming soon? I tried to download theold version, but can’t find it anymore.
Any answer about the Email Notification plugin? I agree that it’s necessary to allow users to get emails when a new response is posted.
bbPress does a much better job at archiving conversations and making them searchable. The Email Notifications will help me ween my community off email lists.
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