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Plugin Human Test for WordPress – Voting

  • @bb-lover


    I don’t know why my this topic is closed without any reason.

    @Moderators: Did I say something wrong?

    I think this plugin is for only comments?

    I need simple math captcha plugin for wordpress registration form, like Human Test for bbPress.

    If you are not interested then other developers are welcome here and their help would be appreciated.

    But if someone else wants to convert it they are more than welcome.

    If anyone else want this plugin please ask in this topic.

    I’m hoping this topic will not be closed if any Mod don’t like it.



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  • @ricardouk


    can’t help you porting it to wordpress but i have a suggestion for you:

    WP-captcha free

    its the one i use and it doesnt require any action from the user.

    its very clever how it works…i’ll try to explain…

    a normal form for comments has 3 fields, all spam bots automatically fill all 3, what this pluggin does is addding a fourth field only visible to spam bots, if the fourth box id filled it automatically means its been made by an automated spam bot and that coment its blocked… at least its how i understand it works but i might be confused with another one.

    Try it, visitors don’t like math problems etc.

    Edit: it seems you want to block spammers from the registration form… don’t know if this pluggin works when a user tries to register.



    bb-lover, I closed your topic because it is WordPress specific and asking _ck_ for help specifically. You should post at or any of the other WordPress-specific help sites, or try contacting _ck_ directly at her site

    Closing this topic because it too has turned WordPress-specific as well.

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