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Plugin: Enhanced Registration

  • @livibetter


    Should be used for TESTING ONLY

    Download this file


    Put activate.php to your template folder.

    Put bb-activate.php to your bbPress root folder.

    Put EnhancedRegistration directory to my-plugins

    Only tested on kakumei template without other plugins. Currently, it only support user activation. User will receive an additional mail with a code for activation. They can click the link within that mail, or manually navigate to the activation page.

    And Key Master can delete user haven’t activated over ## hours.

    Possible features in later releases: Registration Approval, Registration Email Verification.

    Please tell me what do you think!

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  • @vafaaaan


    Great! .. im gonna try it right now :) brb..

    Update 1: No mail yet. Dont know if i have set that up correct. Can see this in phpmyadmin, in wp_users..

    ID : 2

    user_login : xxxxxxx

    user_pass : 63db6f94498b383aa4eebb38b9d41505

    user_nicename :

    user_email :

    user_url :

    user_registered : 2007-11-26 08:21:45

    user_activation_key :

    user_status : 0

    display_name :

    user_activation_key shouldnt be empty ?

    Update 2: in wp_usermeta..

    umeta_id : 12

    user_id : 2

    meta_key : act_code

    meta_value : 12345678 (eight numbers & letters value)

    dammit! this is a winxp test server with wamp.. dont think mail() works here :(



    Nice, I like it.

    Suggestion: auto deletion after xx days/hours. As I understand, this has te be done manualy by the admin? (with 200 regis spams a day this is gonna be a day job).

    Is this the same mail where the password is in when you registrate? Or do we get 2 seperate mails. Would like to see it in 1 mail then.

    Haven’t tested this (I am at work), so if my suggestions are already in, I appoligize




    Auto-deletion would be considered in next release.

    Users will get TWO mails. I will see if there a way to send only one mail.


    This plugin thinks user has act_code usermeta hasn’t activated their account. If a account has been activated, then it doesn’t have act_code usermeta.



    ok .. activated manually with the code .. worked, act_code is gone.

    Keep up the good work



    I am playing around with this one as well! Will give some feedback after I play with it for a couple of days!




    If the list of users to delete is empty, it gives the following error”

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /public_html/my-plugins/EnhancedRegistration/OptionsPage.php on line 37

    0 user(s) have been deleted!




    @Trent, Thanks for spotting that bug!



    Wicked stuff on your google code page! Bookmarked! Many great plugins for bbPress and WP!





    Fix: #7 – Empty input to foreach.

    Add: #8 – Auto-delete unactivated users.

    Add: (hourly, daily or not) Mail reports, which includes what ID and user_login have been deleted.

    Auto-deletion is executed every 60mins.



    Applause :)



    Absolutely great!




    Hello, first off I want to thank you for this excellent pluggin.

    Nevertheless, when users register at their password is never sent to them. BB-Activate is in my root directory and activate is in my root/bb-templates/superbold-bbpress (template folder) and the EnhancedRegistration folder is in my my-plugins directory, and the plugin is activated…

    I hate to be one of those people, but what the heck am I doing wrong (version 0.8.3 )?



    If the plugin is disabled does this work because for the first part of the registration, the plugin really doesn’t do anything (at least I don’t think). The user gets their password by email, they head to the login page, put in username and password, get another screen (bb-activate.php) which then asks for the “activation” code emailed to them in a second email. So I am wondering if users are getting the password emails with the plugin disabled first I guess!




    Did you mean password or activation code? Your forum is quite new, so I guess that your server can’t send any mail for your forum. And this isn’t a plugin’s problem.

    Please deactivate this plugin, and register new account, then see if you can get the password mail. If you can’t, then you have to fix mail problem.



    @Trent and everyone, this plugin intercept login process, if the logging user hasn’t activated the account, then it will be redirect to bb-activate.php. After successful activation, the user will be redirect to bb-login.php.

    And when new user is registering, this plugin doesn’t interfere the normal registering process but add an additional usermeta and send the activation code right after bbPress send the password mail.

    So, there is no way this plugin will break the password being sent.

    Edit: Currently, user gets TWO mails after registration, one is for password, another is for activation code. I am not planning to merge them into one, because that would have to touch many things and I don’t like that.

    Edit: I knew there are some topics about mail problem, but I can’t find them now.



    @livibetter thanks for the feedback, I really do look forward to using your pluggin. Apparently my bbpress install is sending the password, but it is doing so 14 or so hours after registration.



    I am thinking to use another approach (current method is extremely stupid, just like me):

    Using activate_before usermeta. When user registering, activate_before is set as registered + 72 hours (depends on current setting). User need to log in within 72 hours, or to be deleted.

    No need to plug bb_check_login(). :)

    Also have something remove_method for doing deletion or switching to inactive role when user doesn’t log in before deadline. And having last_login can allow admin to make a yearly cleaning up those accounts didn’t log in for a long time. Ask them (by emails?) to log in, or will be switch to inactive role and send a notification mail for a response from them, then could be deleted in anytime if they don’t respond.

    Just some thoughts, what do you think?



    Like with hotmail?

    After 60 days of no-inlog your account is set to inactive. After 1 year it will be deleted?



    I don’t hotmail has a 1-year period. I think they delete your account a lot earlier!

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