Looks nice. Very clean, I’m a fan.
I’d do some work with the Last Poster column. The header is left-aligned, but the content (user nicks) are centered.
How do you calculate visitors in “Now online: xx visitors, xx members”?
Thanks. Glad you liked it and thanks for the suggestion. I’ll see if I can find a better solution for that.
About the visitor stats:
The visitor stats is based on the session() and I make use of the global bb_current_user to figure out whether the session belongs to a member or not. Sessions that come from a visitor associated with a valid bb_current_user is put in the “members” columns, visitors without a valid bb_current_user is just a visitor.
For speed I cache the retrieval on a minute by minute basis, while still recording the sessions in the background, so that at traffic peaks, I still don’t get that much pounding on the Db.
Looks very nice. Will you be making the theme available?
Very nice work! You could even make a new column on the left to mimic their icons and it would almost exactly the same!
@Beer: When/if I get the time I’ll be sure to make it public. As you know it’s quite something else to make it work generically rather than for one specific site.
Thanks for the praise though, appreciate it.
@_ck_: Thanks. Yes, I also had a good mind of making that “online” banner that phpbb uses, available per user but other things caught my attention. 
Anyways, glad you both liked it.
Did you ever make this public or avaiable for purchase or anything, lol.
Yes, a public version would be nice! Good work!