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PHP-Fusion to bbPress

  • @moeller84


    Hello everyone,

    Completely new to bbPress here, so bear with me.

    I’m running a forum in PHP-fusion, but want to join the wonderful world of bbPress and WordPress and the endless possibilities they present.

    However i have encountered a problem as i want to transfer all the existing members and preferably old forum posts and blog posts to bbpress. I have been looking pretty much everywhere, but it seems like this is not possible unless i create some customized script.

    This is way beyond my capabilities, so now im turning to the forum to ask if there really isnt any possibilites for making such a transfer/conversion or anyone have some great tips on what to do?

    Thx in advance

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  • @netweb


    If ‘PHP-fusion’ uses a MySQL database you should be able to modify the included ‘Example.php’ import script.

    You can take a stab at modifying the included ‘Example.php’ included with bbPress to try importing your forums just as @vogelsang did for importing from Drupal. There are some basic instructions here on creating your own custom imports for bbPress.

    Further information on importing existing forums into be bbPress can be found here:



    Thanks Stephen… I’m on this track now too.

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