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Pagination for user replies not working

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  • @tharsheblows


    I’m updating this because it’s not a bbPress issue. I mean, it’s in bbPress but it’s not a bug. I have a dev site made from the site in March and user reply pagination is working on there. As far as I can tell, *nothing* is different about the two. I updated the dev site, one bit at a time, it was tedious, to match the live site and the pagination still works correctly.

    So I don’t know. If anyone has any ideas, please shout (and then type it down). I had a similar-ish problem on a different site and it was a WP_query issue, so I think something might be affecting that. But where? And why only there? All the other pagination is working correctly.

    We may never know.



    It looks like it’s a known issue – I think it’s this:

    I’ve tried everything. Rewriting the query, trying the redirect_canonical filter, whatever. I can’t get it to work.

    However why it’s working on one site and not the other? No clue. And omg, it’s now working on the staging version of the live site (it wasn’t before) as well as the dev site. I moved a widget and poof! it works. HOWEVER, moving the same widget on the live site does *not* work.

    Utterly bizarre.



    I realise I’m talking to myself, sorry, I’m using this to remember what I’ve tried.

    On the sites it’s working, this is also working: /?bbp_user=vicki&bbp_reps=1&paged=2 — however on the sites it’s *not* working, that gives a redirect loop. WHY? Why is it doing it to me? What have a done wrong to deserve this? (Or what am I doing wrong?)



    Well, I didn’t solve this but worked around in a completely absurd manner. The “paged” query var was causing the problems, so I made a new query var, thepage, and used that to re-do the query for user replies using the ‘bbp_get_user_replies_created’ filter. Then, instead of messing around with the slightly insane way bbPress writes the pagination links, I added in Waypoints ( and used the Infinite Scroll shortcut to load the next pages. It seems to work ok (fingers crossed, it’s just gone live, something could still go very wrong).

    The links for the next pages are like this – I didn’t make them pretty because they’re not in the browser address bar.

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