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Order forum root topics by title

  • @sha77ered


    Hi there,

    Ive been searching all over the internet to find out how i can change the sort order of the forum root page to display topics alphabetically. It would almost seem to me that his is a problem someone may have encountered before but to my surprise I could not find anything, except topics on the sorting of forums.

    I realize the core functionality that needs to be changed is in the loop-topics.php template, that ‘orderby’ value in the wp_query array needs to be changed to ‘title’ and the ‘order’ value to ‘ASC’. When I change the ‘orderby’ value to ‘title’ directly in that file, the sorting does change, but for the life of me it will not reverse the alphabetical sorting order when ‘order’ is set to ‘ASC’?!?

    And perhaps any ideas how can I allow the user choose between date and alphabetical sorting? It would seem this should perhaps be an option in bbpress?

    Site is Check under Find Client, demo login:

    Username: demo_user
    Password: password

    Any tips would be much appreciated 🙂 Thanks guys

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