Can’t help because I can’t highlight anything or click on anything that isn’t a link.
At best guess, something is up with the table CSS. Each cell should be allowed to stretch to fit it’s content.
I turned off the protection and I turned off the toolbar as it had disappeared after I noticed the one topic was off. The I noticed a second one and now I think all of them are off.
I haven’t ever messed with the CSS on the site and to be honest I don’t think there were any updates today and I did the usual turn off all plugins but it was still the same…
I’ve turned off the protections for highlight and right clicks…
Ok… I now have everything back to normal… I had a Map from another site displaying on one of the topic posts. Once I got rid of that the topic margins went back to normal. But why did it take from to 24 August till this afternoon to melt down on me…
You would think that it would have gone then… but it waited until today… That is strange if that is what really caused it…
Thanks for a great product…
I also noticed the text was spilling outside of the container on each topic/reply.
I would have looked into it a bit, but your blocking view source and I’m to annoyed by that to bother. There is definitely something a bit screwy with the css.
As to the no right click and also the no dragging an image off to the desk top.
I have a lot of photography on my site and while the measures I take only really keep the honest people honest since it those folks who grab my pictures to put on their blogs and pages… I like them to at least ask or rent the image..
But I do not care if you see the source for the page and I will deactivate the right click protection if that helps you out.
I feel it has to do with a third party toolbar for bbpress. This allows images to be uploaded (and as a photographer I desire this function and I want my users to be able to upload what they see on their touring around New England) When I take the pictures out of a topic it fixes the topic.
But I feel because the images are too large (I’m going to recommend he look to force the image to resize to the window)
I have turned off the disable on right clicks so feel free to see what is going on.
You may say and rightly so that this is the toolbar person’s responsibility to fix and I’m sure he will but I thought it should be something you knew about that way you can look into it and see if there is some code that you need to fix on your end to ensure that third party writers can’t upset the CSS with their code efforts.
In my CSS (toolbar.css) all things are constrained to #post-toolbar
It doesn’t do any resizing yet, and may never do. But the toolbar’s FAQ does suggest how to set a max-width using style.
I am going to make the CSS more customisable, just a tad.