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Notify me of follow-up replies via email message and check box missing

  • mychildis



    I’ve just created first bbPress forum. when I write a post, I have this check box, but unregister visitors on the site can create new posts and comment existing posts, but there is no option for notify me via e-mail. There is no also the subscribe to forum option.
    Visitors have to subscribe to my website in order to have this option?
    I created another user using the /wp-signup.php/ but this user didn’t even have the option to comment or to create any post.
    One last detail:
    in my Dashboard > Settings > General. I could not find the ‘anyone can register’ check box.

    I just want visitors to be able to comment & create posts, with option to get notify by mail for their comments.

    Any help will be very appreciated!

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  • mithrandir


    bbPress does not currently have such a feature, A similar topic is posted bellow:

    Guest Notification

    However you might be in luck since a plugin exists for this very purpose:

    bbPress – Anonymous Subscriptions
    By Stefano Ottolenghi

    I can not post the link due to spam blocking.

    As for the ‘anyone can register’ check box, Do you have administrative credentials? Also just wondering are you using a multi site?



    Thanks for the answer I’ve tried it and it works great!
    Yes I’m using multi site and it worked on all sites.



    Great, yes looks like a really nice plugin!

    The reason I asked about the multi site is, if you are using WordPress Multisite, from what I have read (I have no experience using a multi site) the ‘anyone can register’ is located elsewhere:

    Dashboard > Settings > Network Settings -> Registration settings
    Check the field “Registration is disabled.”

    Cheers 🙂



    I’ tried this before.
    This field allow users to register, but it didn’t add the notify me checkbox.
    This plugin fixed it.
    Thanks a lot

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