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Not seeing forum sidebar

  • @obinyc


    Here are my forums as they currently are:

    Sorry to be the simple one here but I am really not seeing what I am supposed to do to get the sidebar in the forum. I installed BBpress WP Tweaks and added the BBpress login widget but I am not seeing anything. What am I supposed to do next? I created a bbpress.php file but I don’t see what code I should put in it that references the sidebar that I will be using. Is it some variation of this: <?php if (!function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Page Sidebar’)): endif; ?>

    Please let me know.


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  • @robin-w


    Ok, the ‘page template’ you are using probably doesn’t have a sidebar.

    Your theme has a sidebar template from the demo I just looked at.

    So have a look at you page templates to find one which has ‘sidebar’ mentioned

    If that’s not working, then you may need to take out the current sidebar line and replace it with

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    come back if you need further help !



    Hey Robin,

    Thanks for the reply. A little while ago, I removed the line that would have included the sidebar but I just added in yours and what I am seeing is the sidebar from the homepage for some reason. This is one of the issues I was having before and the reason I removed the code in the first place.

    Do you have any idea why this might be happening? Please assist, buddy.




    ok, with the code in, try the following

    Deactivate bbpress tweaks
    Dashboard>plugins>bbpress tweaks>deactivate

    Go into widgets

    And look at the bottom of the left hand side. You’ll see an “inactive sidebar”, with your entries on
    Below this is an “inactive widgets”
    Drag all the entries from the inactive sidebar to the inactive widgets area.
    This then allows wordpress to delete the sidebar
    I normally log out and in again at this stage – probably not needed, but I’ve never bothered to check
    Then basically reverse the above
    Re-enable bbpress tweaks
    You see the bbpress sidebar returns
    Drag the entries back from the inactive widgets area to the sidebar



    Hey Robin,

    I tried the technique you proposed and clear my cache and internet data but I still had no success. I’m still seeing the same sidebar from the homepage. This forum is the last component of a site that I’ve put a lot of work into – do you have any other suggestions?

    Thanks in advance,




    Getting bbpress to work with the many very clever (too clever!) themes is not always easy

    Ok, we could spend a lot of time getting a forum specific sidebar for your theme, but maybe easiest to get your sidebar working to display in bbpress

    so install widget logic

    Then set up whatever sidebar is being displayed on the bbpress page for all the widgets that you want it to display, both for the homepage and bbpress

    Then you’ll see each widget now has a widget logic condition.

    For items you want to display only on bbpress add the logic


    For items say only on a home page add


    for items you want on all pages apart from bbpress use


    Come back if anything is not clear



    So it looks like I was finally able to get the sidebar to display properly by using the original code for displaying dynamic sidebars.

    <?php if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('Page Sidebar')): endif; ?>

    Once I used this, then the homepage sidebar stopped displaying and the forum-specific sidebar showed up(which I only need to allow people to login).

    What do you think, Robin?

    And thanks for the help!



    Great – glad you’re fixed !

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