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Not receiving email notifications about new topic answers

  • @cartographer


    Hi there,

    I do ticking the option ” Notify me of follow-up replies via email” but I don’t receive any email after a member posting a new reply.

    Do you have any idea?

    WP 4.0.1
    bbPress 2.5.4
    Buddypress 2.0.1
    TwentyFourteen theme

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  • @robin-w


    should work on that setup you state – are you sure your email address is correct?



    @robin-w thank you very much for your answer.

    My email address is correct and the problem occurs for every user of my community.

    I read somewhere that maybe this is caused by Akismet option ” Allow Akismet to actively prevent forum spam” but even after disabling this option, the problem still occurs.

    I really need to make this work.

    Any other idea?

    Thank you!



    FYI, I get emails normally from buddypress mentions etc



    I left my setup using only

    wp: 4.0.1
    bbpress: 2.5.4
    buddypress: 2.1.1
    theme: twentyfourteen

    I still can’t receive email notifications for my subscribed topics.

    Any help would be appreciated 🙂



    I read a lot about these email notification problems and think this is a real pain in the a..
    On my system

    wp: 4.0.1
    bbpress: 2.5.4

    Everytime an email is about to be sent I get an error message from my server like <>… Deferred: Connection refused by

    You might have seen that the subdomain is being put into the email sender and the first letter of it is killed. In my opinion the sender should be instead of

    Any idea how to fix this?





    I have the same problem when I want to subscribe to a forum or topic. I don’t get an email, and after some hours, I got this email:

    The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
    Error Type: SMTP
    Connection to recipients server failed.
    Error: Could not connect to “IP Adress” on port 25 since this would mean connecting to myself.
    Tried 5 time(s)



    @schrully do you use external plugin and send emails from remote SMTP server?
    I also have this problem on my multisite. Maybe it occurs because bbPress send emails with BCC (one email for all subscribed users and mail services like gmail delete emails thinking that it’s spam)?
    I remove default functions that send emails and write custom functions to send email notifications with cron and all works correctly right now.
    I don’t digg into this issue with default functions. I think the last version of bbPress have bug because previous release sends emails on my site 🙂



    @schrully BTW some hosting providers block connects to external SMTP servers (for example – BlueHost) and your Error Type: SMTP show that your server can’t connect to SMTP server.



    Like @korobochkin said, the way emails are sent was changed in the last update of bbPress – it used to send individual emails, now they are bcc’ed into one email.

    If it was working for you before or you just want to try this, you can change it back to the old way eg:

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