Chris is wonderful and I really like and respect him! But I don’t think he’s a programmer?
Who says a Project Lead needs to be technical. What’s needed right now is someone who has more Project Management skills than development.
(Think Steve Jobs, not technical but the benevolent dictator many follow)
FWIW, you are my very close # 2 of nominations. All of the reason above I’ve listed for chrishajer are applicable for you as well. I mainly nominated chrishajer because he chimed in after my post in the linked above thread.
This project needs someone who believes in version 1.0, and the plan to turn bbPress into a WordPress MU plugin…
At this point, I just try to be helpful to our fellow users!
Great thinking with this thread.
@jonhiler @chrishajer:
One of you guys would be perfect. Please consider taking such a role in this project and bossing everyone around.
No disrespect to anyone here, but the first order of business is to get _ck_ back.
You can have as many Project Leads and Benevolent Dictators as you want, but they will be leaders of the scrap heap without dedicated, innovative, and careful programmers like _ck_. Especially with no budget, and people working for free, who is going to follow orders?
I don’t know the _ck_ story, but I know that this project needs her, or someone like her.
1. I’m not a programmer, I’m a motorcycle mechanic 
2. I appreciate the vote of confidence but I am happy to be a moderator and help bbPress users. I’m certain that if Matt thinks bbPress needs a PM other than himself, he knows where to find one.
Another +1 for making chrishajer Dictator for Life!
i think, and im pretty sure Matt has stated himself that hes extremely busy and doesnt have the time to devote to bbpress that is needed. I know one things for sure, if a PM occurs they need to be bbpress project centric without major ties or interests in other projects.
I’d love to take on the development of bbPress project, but I would be only available in March, after I get over with my exams.
That’s too funny. I was just looking at your work on the bbPress trac and was going to bring you up.
Folks, check out Gautam’s site if you have not already (
You seem to really know what you are doing and your plugins are excellent. You’re kind of like the new _ck_
Thanks for the appreciation, grassrootspa!
Though I feel Ben is the new _ck_ (except for the fact that he is male.. lol
Nightgunner5 (Ben) would also be an excellent person to lead bbPress.
There certainly are quite a few talented folks who could potentially take some sort of evil dictator role.
haha, you are both new _ck_ s!
My meaningless vote goes to whoever dislikes bbPress becoming a WordPress plugin the most! They get a second vote if they want to add more features to the core (I vote early and often!)
Another voting thread, awesome, these are always productive and rarely descend into sycophantic rants or love ins.
That said, ChrisHajer should definitely NOT be the next project lead of BBpress. Chris is a great great moderator, and to remove him from this role would leave us with ZERO moderators.
Gautam and Nightgunner5 are both programmers, skilled to be sure, but that does not make a good project lead either.
Mentions of _ck_ are like mentions of Elvis working in a 7/11. You hear it every now and then from people who don’t want to accept that it’s in the past.
No, whoever leads BBpress will be from Automattic. It’s their project folks, they’re just letting us chat on their forums. At the end of the day, people will vote for people they agree with, and not in an objective manner, heck i’m confident that if I was to say that i think BBpress should not be a WP plugin and should have facebook connect then i could convince a least 2 people to vote for me, regardless of any actual facts.
oh look:
My meaningless vote goes to whoever dislikes bbPress becoming a WordPress plugin the most
These type of threads are so awesome!! and so helpful!!
ChrisHajer should definitely NOT be the next project lead of BBpress. Chris is a great great moderator, and to remove him from this role would leave us with ZERO moderators.
Why would he be removed from the moderators list?
Gautam and Nightgunner5 are both programmers, skilled to be sure, but that does not make a good project lead either.
I can’t say about myself, but nightgunner5 would definitely be a good project lead. Can you provide a “why no” reason?
No, whoever leads BBpress will be from Automattic. It’s their project folks, they’re just letting us chat on their forums.
That doesn’t mean that one can’t contribute to it. At the end of the day, it is for the people who are using it.
At the end of the day, people will vote for people they agree with, and not in an objective manner, heck I’m confident that if I was to say that i think BBpress should not be a WP plugin and should have facebook connect then i could convince a least 2 people to vote for me, regardless of any actual facts.
That’s natural for a normal user. They want what they need.
Why are you always so angry, against everyone and ready to fight with every person..!?
(By the way it is bbPress not BBpress)
**** Please note, I’m not referring to the DEVELOPMENT of bbPress, this thread is meant to help us nominate PROJECT MANAGER for bbPress. Someone who defines the Roadmap, set dates, establish next release features/functionality … as such, this person does not have to be technical at all and actually, many times the best project managers are non-technical.
I would like to ask the following people if they would be interested in leading bbPress from a Project Management perspective. Once we know who would be willing to commit be the Project Mgr for bbPress, we can put it to a vote.
@johnhiler ? you interested?
@chrishajer ? you interested?
@Nightgunner5 ? you interested?
I am. But as I said I would be busy with exams after a couple of days, I would only be back here in the 2nd week of March.
All the people mentioned in this topic are good for bbpress (Gautam as well).
But maybe you guys should wait for Matt’s comment in this topic. For myself I wrote several plugin’s in the past to make my bbpress a forum complete and some of them are already published. Before I will spend one more minute on bbpress I need to be sure that bbpress has a future (not sure after Matt’s closing comment here)
@frooyo, flattered, but not interested or qualified.
As a newbie to BBpress I have only one thing to say: I sure hope this project get’s some devoted people behind it! I really like the software and would love to see it become just as populair as wordpress is!