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no users incl. admin can post topics, answers or anything

  • @hooohn


    I have WP 4.4.1 with the latest bbpress Version 2.5.8 installed on a local machine (therefore no link). The theme is base on the warp engine from

    I am testdriving bbpress locally. As an admin, I can set up forums and topics etc. but in the front end, I can not create topics in a forum nor answer to topics created by admin the backend.

    Front-end posting even does not work as an admin logged in, and it’s browser independantly not working.

    All I get is the general error message: “Are you sure you want to do this?”

    Even with all other plugins deactivated, there is no change.

    Only changes to the standard setup are “allow non registered users to create topics” and the permalink rewrite from “forums” to “xxx-yyy-zzzz”

    Help is highly appreciated! thx in advance

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  • @casiepa


    First of all, try with a standard theme. It could be a theme issue.
    Then try to run some repair tools (don’t think it will help here, but you never know): In the admin panels, go to Tools > Forums > Repair Forums
    Then also try to change your permalinks settings (In Settings > Permalinks) to something different, save, choose back your original option and save again.



    hi and thx!

    – did all repairs – no change
    – changed / saved permalinks – no change
    – changed theme to twentyfifteen – no change


    thanks anyway…

    other suggestions welcome πŸ™‚




    I just tried it out with a totally clean install of wordpress 4.4.1 and bbpress 2.5.8 – SAME RESULT – there are no other plugins installed !, only two users, etc.

    can there a be an issue with the local MAMP installation?

    thx for any suggestions!



    BUG in VERSION 2.5.8

    *EDIT 2 – SOLVED*

    I just tried out Version 2.6 alpha – Development version, and everything works fine!

    Obviously there is a bug in Version 2.5.8…



    I have the same problem. I just download WordPress 4.4.1 and Fresh install. Then install bbPress latest version.

    When I visit Forum category I can’t see the link or button that I can create new topic. It’s show only “This forum is empty.”. I try with basic theme Twentyfourteen which came with WordPress.

    Any Idea to solve this please?



    it seems to work with Version 2.6 alpha you can find here:


    But as usual, it is not recommended for live sites πŸ˜‰



    ** SOLVED **

    I found that I make a mistake, I set a new forum as category and that why I can’t create a new topic. Now I change to be forum and it works πŸ™‚



    Happy to see you found it!
    Indeed, forum categories are not meant to have topics inside !

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