No idea why it would work on one theme and not twentyten. Might need to wait until JJ gets off the plane for help. I’d just be taking to many wild guesses 
I did go to your-site/forums/ and saw the forums just fine on the old theme.
I look forward to his help. I’ve since switched my theme over to the twentyten theme so that you can see the forums do not show with the new bbpress 2010 theme.
What’s weird is my old theme even says that I don’t have the bbpress files needed to view the forums, but it still lets me view them. The new theme included with bbpress does obviously have the bbpress files, and I can’t view the forums with that theme.
This is very weird – almost like the bbpress 2.0 plugin didn’t install correctly or something since the forums are still viewable with the old theme and not with the new bbpress theme.
Are you able to see your forums in wp-admin? If so, is your bbPress 1.0 install in a subfolder of your WordPress install?
Hey, John:
Yes, I could see the forums and figured out that this is an issue with the URL. The way that I have my forums set up is that there are hard coded links in the WP pages that link to each forum. With the old setup the link structure went to groups and then the last part of the URL was /forum. I figured out that the new bbPress isn’t integrated in with groups and that I will need to do a batch upload of new URL’s for all of my WP pages to update the links. I have over 1,800 individual forums and use the WP pages to ‘drill down’ so the site users can easily get to where they want to go.
This leads to my next question – when will bbPress 2.0 be fully integrated with buddypress forums and when it does integrate, will I be able to use my old link structure like it was set up when I had the old bbPress running?