Hi Detective, I really like this theme – like I said before definitely one of the best WordPress/BBpress installs I’ve seen.
Does this theme have the User Photo plugin intergrated into it? I would love to be able to use User Photo within BBpres like you have done at http://www.ryuuko.cl/bbpress
No, the theme by itself doesn’t have the plugin. I’ll try to release the plugin you need tonight.
Currently the search results don’t work. To fix them, please add the following line in the function gs_search_result_loop:
function gs_search_results_loop($results) {
global $bb_post; // <-- add this line
Impressive theme. I’m going to try it right away!
where do I find the css control for the right site menu, Im wanting to widen it out a bit to fit my template and cant seem to find the dimensions in any of the css files.
I have tried so far in a search & find: basic-profile-info, widget basic-profile-info, profile-data and secondary widgets.
which file is it and which code?
Nice theme by the way : )
Perhaps you want to change the classes primary (content width) and secondary (sidebar width).
How I download this theme?
It’s not available for download anymore. Sorry.
I know this is an old topic but this theme is available for download at http://www.bbpressthemes.net/genealogias/
No it’s not. The site I’m working on can be found at http://neodeviants.com/ 
Please should always check the headers, footers, and the main page’s source code for things like that (intrusive advertisement).