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New Roles

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  • @celticsweb

    Participant Creating new roles

    Hi okay so I added 2 more roles by following the link above. The new roles show up and I can choose them in the User’s Profile and almost work with no problem but I am having a few problem. I did not give permission to alter “Posts” or “Comments” for either new role that I created and it is allowing the new roles to change everything about Posts and Comment sections. I did give permission to alter “Forum” in the new role Moderator-FLO but that doesn’t work.

    So I checked to see if the regular Moderator role that comes with the plugin allowed for editing of the Forum and it also does not. I don’t know where to go to check the permissions to see if I can change it but I have been searching for the last hour and a half.

    I also checked to see if the regular Participant role that comes with the plugin worked like it was suppose to and that one is perfectly fine although I would like to change creating topics temporarily.

    In your forum on the link above that I have added I could not find where it says to add the coding, so I just assumed, taking a chance that it would work in the function.php file in my theme. So that is where the coding is located.

    Can you tell me where to find the original Moderator permissions that comes with your plugin? Or anything to tell me what I could be doing wrong? These roles are super important to this type of forum and I could use all the help I can get…. This is really my first time working with WordPress but I’ve been doing HTML since 1998 self taught… I have been out of the game awhile.

    Ok so I’ll simplify this a bit:



    So it wont let me post all of what took me 2 hours to write so I could make sure I was understood…. arg!



    Always worth composing a long post on your PC first :-), I’ll come back with an answer on your other post

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