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"New Forum" Shortcode [bbp-forum-form] Issue – Click submit and nothing happens

  • @loralu


    I am attempting to use the shortcode [bbp-forum-form] to allow users (keymasters) to be able to add new forums as needed. I set up a new page and added this shortcode. The page looks great and the shortcode pulls up the form to add a new forum (as desired). However, when I test it by filling out this form and clicking submit, nothing seems to happen. The page does seem to refresh but a new forum is not added.

    Am I missing something? I am new to bbpress so perhaps I just missed a setting somewhere? I am running the latest version of WordPress (3.9.2) and bbPress 2.5.4. My site URL is

    Thank you in advance for your help!

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  • @netweb


    That should be working, are you selecting the parent forum and forum type from the drop downs?



    Yes. I’ve tried it a bunch of different ways. I’m selecting Forum Type, Status, Visibility and Parent Forum…but when I click submit, the new forum is not added.

    This is the page I created for this form. All I did was add [bbp-forum-form]…am I missing something else? You will need a login to view this page – is there a way to send you that privately?



    It could be a plugin conflict or a theme issue, disable all your other plugins and switch to the Twenty Fourteen theme and try again. I tried to access your site using /forums and get redirected to a login plug, so this is what leads me to believe its a conflict somewhere.

    I’ll try some tests on my sites over the weekend and see if I can replicate the issue.



    I’ve just tested this with bbPress 2.5.4 and Twenty Fourteen with no other active plugins:

    * Created a page /123 and added the [bbp-forum-form] shortcode
    * Opened that page /123
    * Entered 123 as the forum title and description
    * Selected forum for the forum type
    * Selected open for the forum status
    * Selected Public for forum visibility
    * Selected root for parent forum (Root is another forum I already had setup)
    * Clicked submit and the forum is created and I am redirected to create a new topic in that forum e.g. /forums/forum/root/123/

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