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New feature Enable threaded (nested) replies in bbpress 2.4

  • @estepix


    bbpress: 2.4
    wp: 3.6
    theme: tried with custom and twenty thirteen, same behaviour

    Hi I was trying to use the new Core feature:

    Enable threaded (nested) replies levels deep

    However it breaks my topics pagination and shows the whole topic in a single page, is this by design or a bug? I have also tried (in a different setup) the bbpress threaded plugin which actually supports pagination + threaded replies, so I could choose that path, however, since bbpress is trying to integrate that feature I’d rather go that way.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • @xevo


    I suppose that you would want threaded(nested) replies on the same page, otherwise the conversation would be all over the place.



    Not necessarily, the bbpress threaded replies plugin breaks down the pagination taking into account the “parent” replies. Here are the plugin options:

    Enable threaded replies N levels deep

    Break replies into pages with N top level replies per page and the first/last page displayed by default
    Replies should be displayed with the older/newer replies at the top of the page



    Hi, I have the exact same problem, did you manage to fix this @estepix ?
    or did you have to use the outdated plugin Threaded Replies? :/

    I really need pagination WITH threaded replies on my bbpress forum the same way @estepix explained it. Because when a topic has over 500+ replies it is NOT conceivable to display them on the SAME page.

    Do someone have a trick to do the following?

    Enable threaded replies N levels deep

    Break replies into pages with N top level replies per page and the first/last page displayed by default
    Replies should be displayed with the older/newer replies at the top of the page

    Thank you very much for your help 🙂



    Hi Doremdou,

    I haven’t been able to spend much time on this matter, I still don’t want to use the outdated plugin but bbpress support is not paying attention to this thread…

    If you find out a solution please, do not hesitate to let me know.




    +1 on this.. I also want the same. 25+ nested replies are showing in one page, that’s bad.
    Hope bbpress support will release a fix for this soon.



    Hey there,

    I know I’m probably late to the party but I’ve been searching for a way to allow pagination WITH threaded replies in BBpress for the past 3 days now with no luck. The closest I got to having it work was with the BBPress Threaded Replies plugin by Jennifer Dodd but it didn’t work as expected (I think because I am using a custom loop and also some custom functions may be messing with it). Every time I activated it and tried to enable threaded replies it would remove my formatting toolbar from the text editor (which I need) and it would only show the same reply for all pages. So I decided to try and come up with a way to mimic pagination and I think I have solved my issue. I wanted to post it here for anyone else having trouble with pagination and threaded replies.

    Basically, it’s a jQuery Pagination Imitation script that hides items in a list and only shows the number you specify at a time. It also creates links that change the items being displayed to simulate different pages. I applied this to the site I am working on and it worked like a charm. The major difference with this script and actual REAL pagination is with the script, you are still having to load all the results on one page. You just hide the extras so it doesn’t look so clustered. Other than that, it does exactly what I need it for, reducing the number of replies visible at a time. Here is a link to the JSFiddle if anyone is interested. Hopefully, this will save someone some headaches.



    Just noticed something that might cause an issue. Make sure you change the inactiveCLass variable from “paged” to something else as well as in the CSS. Apparently, when BBPress paginates topics, it assigns the class “Paged” to the whole page so if it’s set to display none, you will spend hours trying to figure out why your page 2, 3, etc is blank…



    @csutherland88 That’s pretty cool, thanks for sharing it.

    And BTW, the “bbPress Threaded Replies” plugin by Jennifer Dodd is the basis of bbPress threaded replies, Jennifer actually wrote the bbPress implementation based on her previous work with quite a few more enhancements than what was originally included in just the plugin.



    @netweb cool! Yeah, I wish the plugin had worked for me but I guess that’s what happens when you customize too much — stuff starts conflicting with other stuff. I wish I knew more about programming and WordPress to really get in there and do things correctly but for now, my “hit it until it works” approach seems to suffice lol.




    Over on the ticket page ( there is a ticket reporting a bug in which reply treading breaks pagination.

    I was about to report the same thing, until I saw your reply explaining that disabling pagination is by design. I had just spent the better part of a morning trying to figure out what happened to the pagination on my site. Turns out I had activated the reply threading.

    Several other members in this thread have asked for a solution. It’s not clear to me why it isn’t possible to paginate replies where threading is enabled. A solution in which a top-level reply, along with all of its threaded sub-level replies, is counted as a single reply for pagination purposes would be acceptable — certainly better than the present situation, where you can choose threading or pagination but not both.

    And at the very least, this either/or choice needs to be made transparent to the user. Clicking an innocent looking check box on a configuration page shouldn’t disable another function on the same page without a warning. That’s just bad design. It wouldn’t be difficult, for example, to grey-out and disable the pagination controls when the threading check box is checked. That would get the message across.

    If my skills were up to it, I’d offer to help. As it is, I can only offer my feedback.



    Hi guys,

    If anyone is reading this. I found a solution here:

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