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New bbPress Project Launched Today – WoW UI Gallery

  • @taeo



    I posted in a thread a while back about a project I was working on with bbPress and some people were interested in it so now that it is complete I thought I would share.

    WoW UI Gallery

    I have created a community website for enthusiasts of custom user interfaces for World of Warcraft. Users make a post consisting of a description of their UI, screenshots, and other various meta data. Other users can comment on and rate the UI’s that have been posted. And of course they can discuss further in the forum.

    Aside from some small modifications to the profile page code (why isn’t there a template for this?!) all of the additional functionality has been achieved through plugins and theme code. I wrote most of the functionality into a plugin I am called bb-gallery. I am also using ajaxed-quote (detective), bb-ratings (mdawaffe), bb-topic-views (wittmania, _ck_), my-views (_ck_), and front-page-topics (_ck_, mdawaffe).

    There were a few snags here and there but overall I was very happy to work with bbPress and it will definitely be my first choice for any other forum project in the near future. The site has been up for less than 18 hours at this moment but I’ve already gotten over 1000 page views and a promising lead for a possible “digg” effect of sorts.

    If any of you are WoW fans I invite you to join the community!

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  • @tomdebruin


    Well done Taeo, that looks really great. A nice use of the ‘views’ to browse the various galleries.

    Noticed one issue, on profile pages (which can only be reached through the UI Vitals panel and not by clicking on the Member next to their name?) it states ‘recent replies’ for both lists. One should be ‘topics started’.



    OK, now THAT is one fantastic design – innovative and clean. I like it!



    Seriously, this is a fantastic design!!!

    I also hacked bbPress to power a gallery… but my design wasn’t nearly as gorgeous as yours. Congrats on an awesome theme!!



    wow – amazing, i’d never thought it was bbPress powered….. great job



    nice, its the best bbpress forum i’ve seen so far.



    Thanks for all the compliments!

    And thank you Dan for pointing out my mistake! Doh! I’m sure there are a few other things I’ve missed along the way.

    Btw, less than 48 hours since it has been live and I’ve already seen over 1,400 unique visitors :-P



    Did I say Dan? o.O It was late. I meant to thank Tom! lol



    How did you do you this?



    Well I wrote one fairly large plugin to handle the image uploading and added a few template functions to then display them. I also made a few modifications of existing plugins to achieve the views and rating functionality. My original post echoes most of this in more detail.

    Aside from some small modifications to the profile page code (why isn’t there a template for this?!) all of the additional functionality has been achieved through plugins and theme code. I wrote most of the functionality into a plugin I am called bb-gallery. I am also using ajaxed-quote (detective), bb-ratings (mdawaffe), bb-topic-views (wittmania, _ck_), my-views (_ck_), and front-page-topics (_ck_, mdawaffe).



    Very nice!

    That’s the second great use of forums as images that I’ve seen.

    (the other one is )



    Is that gallery view on a forum or on a wordpress theme?. It certainly is very beautiful. A free gallery template like that would be nice to rapidly popularize your efforts. Of course i would get a free template. Excellent work.



    It is all done on bbPress.

    I’ve considered making a free theme to get my name out there. But if I do I will most likely wait until the new version is released (the WP plugin). It would allow me to simplify the code somewhat I think. As it stands right now the theme and plugin is a bit of a mess as I was learning and adding features as I went.

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