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need help with database username an password

  • @dlanders09


    I have tried everything I know for my database user name and password but all I get is this message can anyone help me?

    There was a problem connecting to the database you specified.

    Please check the settings, then try again.

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  • @johnhiler




    Chances are you need to set the database host in the “advanced” settings. On the same screen as the database username, password and database name, there is a checkbox (IIRC) that says something like “advanced database settings” and checking that reveals the place where you enter the database host name.

    I don’t agree that it’s an advanced setting, but if you have a database host name to use, that is where you enter it.



    I am using hostgator the domain name was purchased using

    what file or where would I go to check and see that I am using the correct database name,user name, password?

    sorry complete newb at this program



    You need to get your database connection details from your host (hostgator.) You normally need:

    Database name

    Database user name

    Database user password

    Database host

    bbPress defaults to localhost for “Database host” but that’s not always true (database is not always on the same machine as the website, which means localhost here is inaccurate.)

    Find those in your hosting control panel, and we can go from there.

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