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Navigation: topic or reply belongs to which forum?

  • Ray Gulick


    I have 2 separate forums in 2 separate sections of a website. Adding shortcode to a child page under each top-level parent page, current-page-ancestor allows hiliting of the correct top level nav item.

    However, as soon as a topic or reply is clicked, the ancestor/child relationship is lost, and the navigation item is un-hilited. Slugs for topics from one forum look identical to slugs from the other (except for topic name, of course).

    If I only had one forum, it would be fairly simple to make all topics and all replies hilite the same nav item, but with 2 forums in separate sections, I need to distinguish between topics and replies that belong with one forum or the other. Is there a conditional that allows me to determine which forum a topic or reply is associated with?

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  • Ray Gulick


    Found the answer: bbp_get_forum_title()

    Incorporated that into an if statement in the nav wrapper, echoing a class name based on which forum ID.

    Ray Gulick


    Spoke too soon. Displays extra class at all times, hiliting the nav item when it should not be hilited. Wish I could show the code here, and someone could point out my errors.

    This topic should be in “troubleshooting”. Sorry, didn’t see different forums initially.

    Ray Gulick


    Example code (that does not work):

    `<nav class="usernav```">wp_nav_menu

    Ray Gulick


    Can’t figure out how to display code here. Can’t find a “how-to.”

    Ray Gulick


    Finally did resolve this:

    $ID = bbp_get_forum_id($forum_id);
    		if ($ID == 216) { 
    		echo ' staff'; 
    		} elseif ($ID == 236) { 
    		echo ' advisor'; 
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