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Navigation & BuddyPress Group Feature Request

  • @paschoolboards


    We have come across and issue regarding bbPress and Groups in BuddyPress. Our organization decided against my wishes to start using the terminology Forums to describe Focus Groups and Committees. This has created an issue for our portal as Forums means something different in bbPress. After much digging I found an easy way to update the group navigation bar to reflect a name other than Forum, but the easiest way to make this work is to add apply_filters in setup_variables() in plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/groups.php like this:

                    $this->name          = __( 'Forum', 'bbpress' );
                    $this->nav_item_name = __( 'Forum', 'bbpress' );
                    $this->nav_item_name = apply_filters('bbp_update_nav_item_title', $this->nav_item_name);
                    $this->name = apply_filters('bbp_update_forum_name', $this->name);

    then I just use add_filter in my plugin and it updates the Navigation Bar for groups to display something different.

    Is this the only way this can be done, or is there a filter/action i can use to change it without touching the bbpress code? I don’t want to keep changing code every time there is an update to bbPress.

    So my request is to add these apply_filter lines above to the groups.php file going forward for flexibility. I’m sure the same could be don with slug, but I don’t care much what the url is as long as the display name is correct.

    Thanks for everything you guys do!

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  • @robin-w


    Sorry – I can’t immediately see a better way.

    I’m not a bbpress author, but to get code changed you’ll need to post in trac




    Thanks for the link. I have submitted it for review.



    Great !!

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