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Moving topics from one forum to another

  • @cwdnow


    Why is it that when moving a topic to a new forum, the replies aren’t moved along with it? (ie. a “mismatch” is created). This makes this move feature almost useless. Imagine a topic with 50 replies – you have to move each one to the new forum, or is there a way for the replies to move with their topic?

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  • @cwdnow


    OK, it looks like the replies are actually moved, but the only way to have them take effect on the site is to run the forum tools (Tools > Forums > recalculate & recount).



    Firstly, please don’t bump old topics, the majority of the time things change considerably if more than 6 months old.

    That said moving topics should work fine, there is a couple of small issues that will be addressed in the next release of bbPress but that shouldn’t see the problem you are describing.

    There is a chance that maybe some of the bbPress data was out of sync before you moved the topic, I’d suggest running each of the repair tools for your forum and then try again.

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