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Moved WP location and now Forum tab missing

  • @allyson9


    In my WP backend, I cannot see the Forums tab, or the Settings> Forums link.

    I believe this is because the site was being created in a subdirectory on our domain and now have made it live.

    The forum is live on the front-end of the site, it’s just the admin in the background that is missing.

    My user is the main admin and shows as Keymaster, but I no longer see anywhere in the User screen to edit Forum roles.

    I’ve searched through the forums and can’t seem to find a solution, or what I need to update in order to restore access to the backend of the forums!

    Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

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  • @robin-w


    so is the live site trying to access the sub directory domain, or having tested have you put everything into live?



    The live site still lives in the subdirectory, and all pages work (as best I can see).
    The forum shows up on the front end but all references to it are gone from the WP backend.



    so what did you do to make it ‘live’?



    I had built the site in a subfolder, and just had an index.html file in the root folder until the site was ready to be viewed by the general public. Used the WP instructions on giving WP its own folder.



    Interesting , not sure what to recommend next !



    Anyone else who might be able to help? It’s so strange… no links to the Forum anymore in the WP admin. Where can I see what path bbPress thinks it’s using?

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