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Modify Topic Reply section

  • @arsilan


    Hi, I hope all is well there. We are using BBpress plugin for forums on our website. Now we would like to modify the reply section which is under topics. I’m attaching a screenshot of the example interface we would like to have for the reply section. this is the link where you can see the attached screenshot of what we want for the reply section.

    So please let us know how we can modify to make something like we want.

    Thank you!

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  • @robin-w


    ok, that is just a picture, it is not clear what you want changed.

    If it is the buttons, then sorry I know of nothing that does this at the moment.



    Hi, sorry for not being clear. Here is I marked the reply box features we needed:

    When you see the reply box, it has a toolbar where you can see different options like MS Word. People can modify text within the reply box with this feature so We would like to have a reply box or something like that.

    I hope this is clear now. Lemme know so I can record the screen for you.

    Thank you!!



    No that’s fine, I now understand.

    Nothing I know of that does this – sorry !

    you can have a visual editor that looks better than the default.

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form

    and look at item 9.



    Hi, Thank you for providing this. I have tried but I can see the topic reply box is still the same.

    I have attached a screenshot.

    Thank you again!

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