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Moderators for Specific Forums

  • kristenkoster


    I have been unable to set specific moderators on individual Forums and have had to resort to setting their user forum role to moderator. When I edit the individual forum and enter a user name and save I get no error message but it does not get saved, the box remains empty. This used to work, using bbpress in the past — MemberPress is the new bit in the mix.

    Any suggestions?

    Wordpress: 6.5.3
    bbPress 2.6.9

    Unfortunately, our forums are all protected through MemberPress so a link isn’t going to be useful.

    Other related plugins installed and activated:
    MemberPress Pro 1.11.31
    bbp style pack 5.9.8
    bbpNNS/MemberPress Bridge 1.3.1
    bbPress Notify (No-Spam) 2.18.3
    bbPress Notify (No-Spam) Digests 2.4
    bbPress Notify (No-Spam) Reply by Email 2.8
    GD bbPress Attachments 4.7

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