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Migrating from Simple:Press to bbPress – anyone able to do this?

  • @pauliep


    Has anyone successfully migrated from Simple:Press to bbPress without issues?

    I need to be able to migrate all my posts / threads and the forum names. I dont need PMs migrated, I dont need stickies or flags, likes, or anything else. Just the important stuff:



    What user posted

    Date/time stamps and posts/threads in correct chronological order

    Forum it was posted under

    Forum names

    From what I have seen some of the scripts out there fail at importing the poster data – i.e. the posts are not attributed to the actual poster, they are all attributed to the user running the importer plugin.

    Has anyone found a clean way to do this? I’d be willing to pay for someone who has done this successfully without issues, to help me with this. THanks

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  • @pos2012


    I would suggest you talk to the people at

    I will use these next week to migrate my Joomla + Kunena to WP + (most probably) bbPress.

    Price is $95 for forum to forum migrating usually.

    May I ask:

    I am looking at simple:press versus bbPress. So I am interested in: WHY would you like to go for bbPress over simple:press?



    Just to chime in here, I used the gComvertor guys and the experience and assistance was great.

    I migrated my Drupal based forums over to bbPress last Xmas, with their help.

    Great service and fast conversion process – and you pay once it’s done and you’re satisfied too!


    May I ask:
    I am looking at simple:press versus bbPress. So I am interested in: WHY would you like to go for bbPress over simple:press?

    I can answer that. SimplePress have just started charging for their support! My wife was encouraged by the developers to use their new version 5 when she was looking for a forum plug-in to her WordPress blog. Just when she was up and running they started charging and coincidentally she developed a bug in her forum at the same time after an update. She did not even receive notification that this was going to happen. I’m pretty disappointed with them for not telling her this was in the pipeline because she would have taken this into account and we’d have gone for BBPress in the first place.

    She is so desperate now she’s almost at the point of paying for the support to sort the problem out but I would rather manually migrate to another forum just on principle.

    We have tried contacting the developers at SimplePress but they are not interested.



    I have chosen bbPress, and am very happy with that choice.

    It loads in half the time, is more easy to customize, and very easy to use.


    If you want a solution for PM, groups, activity feed (one or all), you can install BuddyPress (another WP plugin), and you have it all.

    I used to do the migrating, and that was a winner!

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