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Meta Title for Profile Pages w/ Yoast SEO

  • @let-me-see


    Hi there,

    Yoast SEO takes over (Browser/Site) Meta Title admin, and does so nicely with the Forums pages. However, when activated, it replaces the personal profile page meta title with the URL. When deactivated, this title reads “Move Meta | Your Profile”.

    I use WordPress (MS) 4.4.1, bbpress 2.5.8, Yoast SEO 3.0.7. Our forums (in the making).

    Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Maybe Yoast could enhance his plugin – what could I ask him to do, what would he need to know?

    Thanks four your help and time

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  • @casiepa


    If you explain them exactly what you explained here, I don’t see why they would not understand and see what they can do for you…




    there is but one reason why they will not answer – it’s because they don’t offer free support. There was one thread with kind of a solution, but I don’t know what plugin he meant. So I tried what he suggests with “Add Admin CSS”, and it didn’t work. (It just gave me access to the same custom CSS sheet I use with Jetpack.)

    Since Yoast SEO is the major SEO plugin, I hoped maybe one of you had found a solution and would like to share? If I am right, this would be a very common problem.




    I’d like to suggest something you might try to solve this problem.

    The SEO Framework supports bbress, is written with massive and busy (multi-)sites in mind and therefore up to 867% faster when compared with other popular SEO plugins. It also consumes up to 260% fewer server resources and makes 15% fewer database interactions (numbers may vary on this one depending on plugin compatibility).

    It allows for complete SEO data migration from other plugins and the author tells you an easy way to do it here SEO Data Transporter from

    Plus it has 100% fewer advertisements. And the author will answer your questions because he is not trying to sell you an upgrade to the Pro version ~ there isn’t one. All of the Pro features are built into the free version you can download from the WordPress repository.

    Give it a try. I think you will be impressed.



    Thank you, I will have a look! At the moment I’m happy everything is running, but it is on my list. Thanks for taking the time.



    Dear let-me-see.

    I see you managed to get the Yoast SEO plugin to insert a page title and a noindex in your bbpress user profile URLs (/users/, /users/<username>/topics and users/<username>/replies).

    Would you be so kind to tell me how you manage to do this?

    I am having the same troubles, as the profile pages have a strange page title and I can’t ‘see’ these profile taxonomies in the Yoast SEO plugin to set a manual page title and/or set a noindex on these URLs.

    I hope you can help me out! Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!



    Dear Erik,

    unfortunately, you are mistaken. Have a look at our most active forums member – I was not able to do any of what you describe. If you are successful with the plugin recommended above (which is still on my to-do-list), or any other, I would be glad to hear from you again.




    Dear Manuel

    Thanks for your quick response 🙂

    True, your last mentioned URL has the same problem I am experiencing:

    But, the first URL you mentioned: does have a nice page title and all the correct Yoast SEO meta data (including a noindex).

    Or did you try to fix this by making a seperate non-BBpress related page, which is supported by Yoast SEO?

    All the best



    Dear Erik,

    I now understand what’s happened. The other URL had our former user tag in it, which I replaced a while ago (nutzer -> benutzer). Now, the system tries to match this URL with whatever makes most sense – in this case, the image I used for myself (and named accordingly) on our front page. So, this is no profile page, but a media page. Look at the URL after loading, it will include the deeplink to our front page (which nobody should be able to see, except in this case).




    Hallo Manuel,

    Just to let you know, I ended up with removing the functionality of a public profile page for my bbpress users by:

    1. Removing the author links (so Google won’t find them anymore):

    /* Remove all author links from bbpress pages
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_author_link', 'remove_author_links', 10, 2);
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_author_link', 'remove_author_links', 10, 2);
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_author_link', 'remove_author_links', 10, 2);
    function remove_author_links($author_link, $args) {
    $author_link = preg_replace(array('{<a[^>]*>}','{}'), array(" "), $author_link);
    return $author_link;

    2. Placing a noindex meta tag in my bbpress user templates (so the already indexed profile links will disappear from Google):


    Thanks again for your prompt replies and I hope this is of use to you 🙂



    Hey, I am new, and I cant find the file:


    “2. Placing a noindex meta tag in my bbpress user templates (so the already indexed profile links will disappear from Google):”

    where I can add this? I want to set all profiles with noindex

    thx for help



    Dear Terence Milbourn,

    today I found time to try out The SEO Framework. Unfortunately, it does not offer the option to give my bbpress pages specific titles like Yoast SEO. It might check on that on some point in time again, but for the time being, I will stay with Yoast SEO.




    I know the Yoast SEO has many problems with BBpress. I wrote a small plugin to help Yoast SEO working better with BBPress.

    This plugin improved the following problem with yoast wordpress seo in bbpress:
    1, Canonical lost on single forum
    2, Canonical lost on single topic page
    3, Canonical lost on user profile page
    4, Canonical lost on topic tag page
    5, Meta title incorrect on user profile page
    6, Meta title incorrect on topic tag
    7, Meta description lost on topic archive
    8, Meta description lost on user profile page
    9, Meta description lost topic tag page
    10, Meta description lost on single topic page
    11, Meta description lost on single forum page

    Hope this plugin can help someone else has the same problems.

    BBP Improvements for yoast

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