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Messages are stacking

  • @davidsavill



    I’m having a issue where forum messages are all stacking onto of each other at the top of the page,

    Test Topic

    Anyone come across this before?

    Any ideas?


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  • @davidsavill


    Is bbPress not supported?



    1. bbpress is free software offered under OSF. There is no guarantee of support. If I gave you a free car, would you also expect me to service it for you for free?

    2. BBpress is supported by volunteers (mainly me) who do so in their free time for no payment, so you expect someone to reply within 7 hours is frankly being a bit hopeful.

    3. If you have followed the troubleshooting information in ‘before posting’ before er.. posting then you would probably have an answer without involving me, but to save you reading it…the most relevant part for you is

    It could be a theme or plugin issue issue, so you’ll need to test to find out which


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentyfifteen, and see if this fixes.

    Then come back



    Ok, firstly this is worrying because that is not the reply that I wrote.

    Infact, I had a spam reply before yours, to some kind of advertising, and my reply was:

    “Wow really?! Just a spam reply?!

    Is bbPress not supported?”

    So somebody has deleted that spam reply and altered my reply to it.

    That’s genuinely really worrying. Either the forum is dishonest or it is not secure. Either way you need to check that out.

    And secondly, your bad attitude is not appreciated. I’ve never had any experience with bbPress so asking “is bbPress not supported?” is nothing for you to be offended over. It is a legitimate question.

    I have since discovered it is a theme issue, I appreciate your advising of that. But honestly, look out of your window. Whether its raining or sunny its beautiful day outside and life is great, don’t let noobs asking questions and wanting to learn get to you so much.



    I amended your reply as a moderator as I also got rid of the spam message it referred to, so left as was it made no sense, so please don’t feel that it is ‘genuinely really worrying’

    As to the rest, if you moderate 6 free support forums, you do find a disproportionately high expectation/right to free support, so occasionally I mis-interpret comments as clearly I did in this case. My apologies

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