Maybe create a forum called say ‘announcements’
Then create a page called whatever you wish
Into that page put the following shortcode
[bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]
Where $forum_id is the forum id
I setup another new forum( two different forums on my site), his name is Aid,
my short code is:
[bbp-single-forum id=$forum_Aid]
but it doesn’t work,
you want the forum id
go to
dashobard>forums>all forums>select the forum and then hover the edit of the forum
in the bottom left you will see something like
12345 is what you need to enter eg
[bbp-single-forum id='12345']
Thank you for your help, I have set up another forum,
but there’s no the filling formule under the topic,
how can I setup the filling formule ?
thanks !