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Member cannot post to forum

  • @michaelachung


    A member of my free private INFJ Forum cannot post anything. She types in her comment, hits send, and nothing happens. She has tried making a new account with a different email address and the same thing happens.

    No one else is having an issue. We’ve whitelisted her IP through my host. Not sure what else to do.

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  • @bryanwalters


    Is her activation link working fine, after registering new account?



    Do you have any security or moderation plugins ? Maybe the first comment of a new user has to be validated by somebody ? Try to see if the comment is in spam or so.
    Did you try to create a new account yourself and try to comment ?




    Thanks for responding.
    She is the only one that has reported this particular issue (we have over 2000 members). Also, she was not a new user when she reported the problem. She had already posted several comments successfully. I do not see her comments in my spam folder, but it is possible that’s where they are going.

    If she has somehow been marked as a spammer, how can I fix this?



    That would depend on the plugins you have installed. If you have WangGuard, you can force a whitelisting, but that’s just one example of the many that exist.
    You will have to find the plugin responsible for blocking comments.

    Did you also ask her to switch to another PC and browser ? Just to be sure it’s not on her side ?




    Thank you Pascal. I had Askimet installed, which has no whitelist option so I’m giving WangGuard a try. I will see if this works.

    The member says she tried logging in at work and on several different devices.



    Just one thing, you did move to 3.1.10 of Akismet, right ? The 3.1.9 version existed for some days, but was blocking comments for some users.

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