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Media upload from Topic/Reply

  • hollywoodave



    i’ve a problem with media upload. I use bbPress 2.6.6 and WordPress 5.6
    Users (Subriscriber Site + Partecipant Forum) cant’upload media file from topics or replies. The messagge error is: “You dont have permission to attach files to this post” on WordPress”.
    They only able to do from their dashboard but i use a plugin in order to hide the wordpress toolbar.
    I have installed PublishPress Capabilities and GD bbPress Attachments.

    The first with this setting:
    Subscriber: create media, media edit, upload files.
    Partecipant: create media, media edit, upload files, assign topic tags, edit replies, edit topics, participate, publish replies, publish topics, read private forums, spectate.

    The second is a solution, but i want that my user insert their media in the reply.

    Ps. Administrator and Moderator are able to upload media from Topic and Replies.

    Can you please help me?

    Thank You,


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