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Mandatory Anonymous Posting?

  • @quiksilver189



    I’ve seen a lot of talk on these forums about Anonymous posting, and I was wondering how easy/feasible it would be to have an anonymous posting system work like the following:

    Users need to register in order to post. They have their own username, password, etc. etc., but when they post their username doesn’t show up whatsoever to other posters. Guests CANNOT post at all, which is how this is very different from the previously used versions of Anonymous posting.

    I would hope it’d be fairly simple in the posting code, but I’m not experienced enough to know exactly what I’d do. In the simplest terms, whenever there is a post, remove the field that shows the Username of the poster. Similarly, in the Topic view, remove the username from that field as well. Is that possible?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    You’ll need custom templates to do this, lacking any kind of author information. That should really be about it. If you’re not comfortable learning on your own, you’ll need to hire someone to get the job done.

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