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Major bug with tags…

  • @ben_allison


    I start a thread. Include tags.

    The next poster’s message (regardless of user role) overwrites my tags or erases them all together.

    In fact, every post overwrites the previous tags.

    Que? Have I setup something wrong? This happened in a fresh install with the default template too.

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  • @ben_allison


    Does it do it here?



    Any word on this?

    My assumption is that I’m doing something wrong, but it appears to happen on a fresh install with the default template.

    But it isn’t happening here! I can add tags and the previous ones remain, so maybe there’s a but in the default template, but not in the core?



    If you empty out the tags field, it will replace the tags of the topic. This does not happen in the default template.



    Thanks JJJ.

    I guess my question is: how do you have them behave like the do here?

    Where any tags entered into the tags field are simply appended to a topic, and previous ones remain untouched?



    I poked around but couldn’t find a method…



    There’s no easy switch to flip yet. May look into it in the future, but for now this is an intentional feature of tags. Basically, they are ‘self policing.’



    Can we get some understanding why this behaviour doesn’t happen with the default template thou I.e. on this forum?

    Self policing is an open invitation to abuse the tagging system which is happening to me, at least.



    What version are you using?



    The current version of 2.02



    Just wanted to make sure you were on the tagging system we were talking about.

    What are the issues you are having. People deleting/removing tags from threads?



    Well, with all the Spam that Forums get as well as allowing Anonymous posters to also post BUT get moderated, I (and many others) are having to use the plugin at

    For my Relationships Forum, obviously people are more inclined to seek help when they’re not obliged to leave their public identities.

    So this plugin leaves all Topics and Replies in a Pending and unpublished state.

    The issue with Spam posts are these Spammers are also pumping the Tag with URLs or other rubbish.

    From a logic point of view, Pending and/or Unpublished Topics/Replies shouldn’t affect anything for a Published Topic.

    But they are. I’m seeing Published Topics losing already established Tags from unPublished and Awaiting Moderation Repies which, in my opinion, is a bbPress bug and certainly not a logical workflow.



    You can create an account without using your real identity, so I don’t think that should be an issue.

    I *think* 2.1 is supposed to be a bit better with catching the spam.

    Your main problem, like you said, is allowing guest posts.

    Do you have akismet enabled?

    Also I would use something like



    I do use the bbPress-recaptcha plugin.

    I’ve disabled Akismet as I use IntenseDebate for the rest of my site and, unfortunately for everyone, ID doesn’t have any bbPress integration.

    It’s still a Taglogic issue, as far as I see.

    Anyways, looks like it is unlikely to get fixed in core.

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