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main nav highlight, category, parent and posts highlight, sidebars,multiple blog

  • @deepak-madhana-raj


    main nav highlight, category, parent and posts highlight, sidebars,multiple blog

    I have the following queries when using the wordpress to create my website

    1) while I open my website, the About Main nav button should highlight to blue. I tried to change the CSS as said in some of the forums but it does not work

    But, when I click on About main nav button it highlights(blue color) because I have set the css for the

    .current-menu-item {background-color:#4f94cd;}

    2) When I click on the Recent blogs in the about page, it should re-direct to blog(main nav) page and highlight in

    blue. Or even if i click on the blogs present in the blog.php, the blog main nav button should enable to blue.

    3) Same with the category and posts. While click on the category and posts the specific category should highlight.

    4) i like to create different sidebars for all the pages. how do I do it?

    5) Can i have multiple blogs? I like to have blog, photos and drawings, videos pages in blog format. is it possible.

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