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Magic quotes won’t go away…

  • @kehlers


    I have a site in which I’m using bbPress for user login/registration, but I also have Gallery2 installed for photo gallery. Gallery is configured in “embedded” mode, so that bbPress login is used – i.e. a unified login.

    When I try to type quotes in a text field in the embedded Gallery, I get escaped quotes (i.e. ” turns into /”). This doesn’t happen in bbPress, but it also doesn’t happen in the NON-embedded Gallery. So, it has to be something to do with the interaction of the two applications.

    The thing is, I am out of ideas. bbPress turns off magic quotes w/in the code, and so does Gallery2, plus it’s off in my php.ini. Is there some code within bb-load.php or other included files which parse all text fields? Any thoughts?

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