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Lost permissions for administrator

  • @pubman


    For some reason when I log into my dashboard under Settings I no longer see Forums as an option. If I go to the plugins page and click BBpress settings from there I get a permission error. Also when I view WordPress users the Forum roles are blank for all my users. I recently deleted one of my admin users and think this might be the problem. Is there a way to verify forum roles via the mysql db?

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  • @xdaniel


    Have the same problem here on a multisite. Super-Admin can see options and forums in the backend, but normal admins not (wp 3.5.1).



    but I didn’t delete an admin …



    Does anyone have any ideas for this one? Just updated to 2.3.1 and still have the problem.



    I was able to solve the problem by creating a new wordpress administrator. When logging in as that user I could then access the Forum settings and assign the messed up users to forum keymaster role. See if that works for you.



    that didn’t work for me, unfortunately 🙁



    I’m having the same problem. I just installed the latest forum, but now it gives me permission errors.



    Try hitting Tools > Forums > Repair Forums

    …and run the “Remap existing users to default forum roles” fixer.

    Basically, blog admins aren’t always forum admins, they need to also be Key Masters. Sounds like you lost (or never had) the Key Master role.

    It may be worth approaching this differently in a future version, and trusting administrators implicitly.



    Well, I can’t see that “Forums”.. I can’t see any settings.. nothing.

    All I can see is: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
    Url is: /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bbpress



    Sounds like it’s possible to get pretty stuck. I’ll see if I can duplicate what I think is happening, and if I can duplicate it, I’ll come up with a fix.



    Try hitting Tools > Forums > Repair Forums
    …and run the “Remap existing users to default forum roles” fixer.

    I’ve checked the db for the admin user settings looks correct:
    |10 |1 | wp_capabilities| a:2:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;s:13:”bbp_keymaster”;b:1;}

    Unfortunately it I cannot enter to “Tools -> Forums -> Repais forums” as the whole plugin is locked.
    Can you post the SQL query in order to reset the forums ? I really prefer to reset it from scratch rather than having no control of it.

    Thank you for your help



    Fixed my forum (but not solved).

    What I did:
    1) deactivate plugin + delete plugin
    2) manually installed older version from SVN (
    3) export forum data (from Tools)
    4) reset forum plugin
    5) update plugin through standard plugin process
    6) installed wordpress import plugin
    7) imported forum data



    I think there’s something wrong with permissions, it tries to add permissions to the wrong place or something.. I think developers should check it



    I had the same problem but I was able to get it to appear just by playing with these settings under Settings > Forum.

    Anonymous posting
    Default user role (move the role to keymaster and then switch it back)
    Auto role

    I can’t tell you what order I did them in (because I can’t remember) but turning them on and off seemed to do the trick for me.



    Same problem. After installation i have login widged in plugins, but i haven’t “forum” button and i have no permissions to enter plugin settings. WordPress 3.5.1 mantra theme.



    Same Issues! Please help?



    To anyone having issues with Permissions, I found that if I turned off the plugin “All in One SEO Pack” all my settings returned.

    Regardless seems like there is a bug.

    It was mentioned here by Arturo:



    la79 has it right. I too started having this issue when I installed the following seo plugin. I figured out a work around for my issues but hopefully it helps others.



    That’s annoying, but a great example of how everyone can be confident it’s a bbPress release causing problems, when another plugin added at the same time is causing a conflict.



    Hi John, sorry but I don’t agree with your statement: if I only update one plugin in a “everything is fine” wp environment and after the update “something is broken”, it’s quite easy to think by cause-effect considering the only perfomed change as the cause of the problem.

    I do also have “All in one SEO pack” installed, but I did’t update/change that, so thank you everyone else to point on common element which may be in conflict with bbPress.



    Again, reading twice my post looks something rude, I didn’t mean that, I wanteded to confirm my confidence to bbPress 🙂 Posting our tries to fix/turnaround the problem is a proven love to bbPress.



    THANK YOU la79, that solved it for me. But BEFORE “All in one SEO” and “BBPress” were running happily together.

    I had made some edits to my child theme functions file, and installed and de-installed Users Meta and that was when everything was broken. I re-installed BBPress (from zip), and the found this forum and de-activated “All in one SEO” and FINALLY the forums are back up.

    Se the AIOSEO was note the CAUSE but, somehow, it was the SOLUTION.





    I do not have an SEO plugins installed (except my “Genesis” theme has a small SEO section) and I am also having this problem.

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